从 模仿UP主,用Python实现一个弹幕控制的直播间! - 蛮三刀酱 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com) 知道了 PyAutoGUI:

* Moving the mouse and clicking in the windows of other applications.
* Sending keystrokes to applications (for example, to fill out forms).
* Take screenshots, and given an image (for example, of a button or checkbox), and find it on the screen.
* Locate an application's window, and move, resize, maximize, minimize, or close it (Windows-only, currently).
* Display alert and message boxes.

Much of this code is based on information gathered from Paul Barton's PyKeyboard in PyUserInput from 2013, itself derived from Akkana Peck's pykey in 2008 ( http://www.shallowsky.com/software/crikey/pykey-0.1 ), itself derived from her "Crikey" lib. 久经考验喽,Windows, Linux, OS X都支持唷。


def _keyDown(key):
"""Performs a keyboard key press without the release. This will put that
key in a held down state. NOTE: For some reason, this does not seem to cause key repeats like would
happen if a keyboard key was held down on a text field. Args:
key (str): The key to be pressed down. The valid names are listed in
pyautogui.KEY_NAMES. Returns:
if key not in keyboardMapping or keyboardMapping[key] is None:
return needsShift = pyautogui.isShiftCharacter(key) """
# OLD CODE: The new code relies on having all keys be loaded in keyboardMapping from the start.
if key in keyboardMapping.keys():
vkCode = keyboardMapping[key]
elif len(key) == 1:
# note: I could use this case to update keyboardMapping to cache the VkKeyScan results, but I've decided not to just to make any possible bugs easier to reproduce.
vkCode = ctypes.windll.user32.VkKeyScanW(ctypes.wintypes.WCHAR(key))
if vkCode == -1:
raise ValueError('There is no VK code for key "%s"' % (key))
if vkCode > 0x100: # the vk code will be > 0x100 if it needs shift
vkCode -= 0x100
needsShift = True
mods, vkCode = divmod(keyboardMapping[key], 0x100) for apply_mod, vk_mod in [(mods & 4, 0x12), (mods & 2, 0x11),
(mods & 1 or needsShift, 0x10)]: #HANKAKU not supported! mods & 8
if apply_mod:
ctypes.windll.user32.keybd_event(vk_mod, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0) #
ctypes.windll.user32.keybd_event(vkCode, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0)
for apply_mod, vk_mod in [(mods & 1 or needsShift, 0x10), (mods & 2, 0x11),
(mods & 4, 0x12)]: #HANKAKU not supported! mods & 8
if apply_mod:
ctypes.windll.user32.keybd_event(vk_mod, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) #




ctypes -  A foreign function library for Python

>>> from ctypes import *
>>> print(windll.kernel32)
<WinDLL 'kernel32', handle ... at ...>


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Al Sweigart https://github.com/asweigart/
Alexandr Orlov https://github.com/hey-sancho
alphaCTzo7G https://github.com/alphaCTzo7G
Andrew Selzer https://github.com/afs2015
Andy Dam https://github.com/andydam
Anwar A. Ruff https://github.com/aaruff
Ari Lacenski https://github.com/tensory
Ashok Fernandez https://github.com/ashokfernandez/
Brian Redmond https://github.com/bredmond
Christopher Valles https://github.com/christophervalles
clach04 https://github.com/clach04
Clayton A. Alves https://github.com/claytonaalves
cryzed https://github.com/cryzed
Daniel D. Beck https://github.com/ddbeck
danielboone https://github.com/danielboone
Davee Nguyen https://github.com/daveenguyen
David Siah https://github.com/dsiah
Denilson Figueiredo de Sá https://github.com/denilsonsa
Dominik Schmelz https://github.com/DIDoS
dragon778 https://github.com/dragon788
Duxxi https://github.com/sjhhh3
Eric https://github.com/bleuetnoir
ErtugrulSener https://github.com/ErtugrulSener
Fornost461 https://github.com/Fornost461
Harrison https://github.com/Sentdex
Hugo Salvador https://github.com/hugoesb
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jakibaki https://github.com/
Jeff Triplett https://github.com/jefftriplett
Jeremy R. Gray https://github.com/jeremygray
Jeromie Kirchoff https://github.com/JayRizzo
Joel Gomes da Silva https://github.com/joelgomes1994
johnborgmann https://github.com/johnborgmann
Jon Winsley https://github.com/glitchassassin
jorg-j https://github.com/jorg-j
Jose Riha https://github.com/jose1711
Julien Schueller https://github.com/jschueller
Korons https://github.com/Korons
lb1a https://github.com/lb1a
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liberme https://github.com/liberme
Matt Olsen https://github.com/digwanderlust
mvbentes https://github.com/mvbentes
nexcvon https://github.com/nexcvon
Oleg Höfling https://github.com/hoefling
optroot https://github.com/optroot
pgkos https://github.com/pgkos
qiujieqiong https://github.com/qiujieqiong
Ricardo Amendoeira https://github.com/ric2b
Scott Noyes https://github.com/snoyes
Sergio Encarnación https://github.com/Sergioenc28
sneakypete81 https://github.com/sneakypete81
Stefan Hoelzl https://github.com/stefanhoelzl
Stephen Ellis https://github.com/saellis
Steven Shave https://github.com/stevenshave
Tim Gates https://github.com/timgates42
Timothy Crory https://github.com/tcrory
undefx https://github.com/undefx
Vélmer Oliveira https://github.com/velmer
Yoshiaki Ono https://github.com/fx-kirin
Stefan Hoelzl https://github.com/stefanhoelzl


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    AutoIT简介 AutoIt 目前最新是v3版本,这是一个使用类似BASIC脚本语言的免费软件,它设计用于Windows GUI(图形用户界面)中进行自动化操作.它利用模拟键盘按键,鼠标移动和窗口/ ...

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