【LeetCode】940. Distinct Subsequences II 解题报告(Python)
作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/
Given a string S
, count the number of distinct, non-empty subsequences of S
Since the result may be large, return the answer modulo 10^9 + 7
Example 1:
Input: "abc"
Output: 7
Explanation: The 7 distinct subsequences are "a", "b", "c", "ab", "ac", "bc", and "abc".
Example 2:
Input: "aba"
Output: 6
Explanation: The 6 distinct subsequences are "a", "b", "ab", "ba", "aa" and "aba".
Example 3:
Input: "aaa"
Output: 3
Explanation: The 3 distinct subsequences are "a", "aa" and "aaa".
- S contains only lowercase letters.
- 1 <= S.length <= 2000
瞻仰一下寒神的做法吧,膜拜![C++/Java/Python] 4 lines O(N) Time, O(1) Space。
使用一个endswith[26]数组,保存的是有多少个子序列以i结尾。则,当前总共有N = sum(endswith)
所以,我们遍历一遍s,更新的方式是end[c] = sum(end) + 1
Input: "aba"
Current parsed: "ab"
endswith 'a': ["a"]
endswith 'b': ["ab","b"]
"a" -> "aa"
"ab" -> "aba"
"b" -> "ba"
"" -> "a"
endswith 'a': ["aa","aba","ba","a"]
endswith 'b': ["ab","b"]
result: 6
class Solution(object):
def distinctSubseqII(self, S):
:type S: str
:rtype: int
nums = [0] * 26
for s in S:
nums[ord(s) - ord("a")] = (sum(nums) + 1) % (10 ** 9 + 7)
return sum(nums) % (10 ** 9 + 7)
2018 年 11 月 11 日 —— 剁手节快乐
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