作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/



A 3 x 3 magic square is a 3 x 3 grid filled with distinct numbers from 1 to 9 such that each row, column, and both diagonals all have the same sum.

Given an grid of integers, how many 3 x 3 “magic square” subgrids are there? (Each subgrid is contiguous).

Example 1:

  1. Input: [[4,3,8,4],
  2. [9,5,1,9],
  3. [2,7,6,2]]
  4. Output: 1
  5. Explanation:
  6. The following subgrid is a 3 x 3 magic square:
  7. 438
  8. 951
  9. 276
  10. while this one is not:
  11. 384
  12. 519
  13. 762
  14. In total, there is only one magic square inside the given grid.


  • 1 <= grid.length <= 10
  • 1 <= grid[0].length <= 10
  • 0 <= grid[i][j] <= 15










  1. class Solution:
  2. def numMagicSquaresInside(self, grid):
  3. """
  4. :type grid: List[List[int]]
  5. :rtype: int
  6. """
  7. if len(grid) < 3 or len(grid[0]) < 3:
  8. return 0
  9. counter = 0
  10. for row in range(len(grid) - 2):
  11. for col in range(len(grid[0]) - 2):
  12. sub_matrix = [[grid[row + i][col + j] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)]
  13. if self.magic_square(sub_matrix):
  14. counter += 1
  15. return counter
  16. def magic_square(self, matrix):
  17. is_number_right = all(1 <= matrix[i][j] <= 9 for i in range(3) for j in range(3))
  18. is_row_right = all(sum(row) == 15 for row in matrix)
  19. is_col_right = all(sum(col) == 15 for col in [[matrix[i][j] for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)])
  20. is_diagonal_right = matrix[1][1] == 5 and matrix[0][0] + matrix[-1][-1] == 10 and matrix[0][-1] + matrix[-1][0] == 10
  21. is_repeat_right = len(set(matrix[i][j] for i in range(3) for j in range(3))) == 9
  22. return is_number_right and is_row_right and is_col_right and is_diagonal_right and is_repeat_right



  1. class Solution(object):
  2. def numMagicSquaresInside(self, grid):
  3. """
  4. :type grid: List[List[int]]
  5. :rtype: int
  6. """
  7. M, N = len(grid), len(grid[0])
  8. res = 0
  9. for r in range(M - 2):
  10. for c in range(N - 2):
  11. curgrid = [[grid[r + i][c + j] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)]
  12. if self.isMagic(curgrid):
  13. res += 1
  14. return res
  15. def isMagic(self, grid):
  16. count = list(range(9))
  17. for i in range(3):
  18. for j in range(3):
  19. if not (1 <= grid[i][j] <= 9):
  20. return False
  21. count[grid[i][j] - 1] += 1
  22. if 0 in count: return False
  23. row, col = [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]
  24. for i in range(3):
  25. row[i] += sum(grid[i][j] for j in range(3))
  26. for j in range(3):
  27. col[j] += sum(grid[i][j] for i in range(3))
  28. if row[0] != row[1] != row[2] or col[0] != col[1] != col[2]:
  29. return False
  30. if grid[0][0] + grid[2][2] != grid[0][2] + grid[2][0]:
  31. return False
  32. return True


2018 年 5 月 27 日 —— 周末的天气很好~
2018 年 11 月 24 日 —— 周六快乐

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