

首先这里的棋盘都只有\(4\times 4\),意味这状态很小。

所以我们可以联想到用类似于Luogu P4576 [CQOI2013]棋盘游戏对抗搜索的方式求解。







#define RI register int
#define pb push_back
using namespace std;
const int N=4,INF=1e9;
struct status
char a[N+1][N+1]; //0 white turn,1 black turn
inline int isover(void)
for (RI i=0;i<N;++i)
if (a[0][i]=='P') return 0;
if (a[3][i]=='p') return 1;
} return -1;
inline void expand(int player,vector <status> &next)
if (!player)
for (RI i=1;i<4;++i) for (RI j=0;j<4;++j) if (a[i][j]=='P')
if (a[i-1][j]=='.') { status to=*this; to.a[i-1][j]='P'; to.a[i][j]='.'; next.pb(to); }
if (j&&a[i-1][j-1]=='p') { status to=*this; to.a[i-1][j-1]='P'; to.a[i][j]='.'; next.pb(to); }
if (j<3&&a[i-1][j+1]=='p') { status to=*this; to.a[i-1][j+1]='P'; to.a[i][j]='.'; next.pb(to); }
} else
for (RI i=0;i<3;++i) for (RI j=0;j<4;++j) if (a[i][j]=='p')
if (a[i+1][j]=='.') { status to=*this; to.a[i+1][j]='p'; to.a[i][j]='.'; next.pb(to); }
if (j&&a[i+1][j-1]=='P') { status to=*this; to.a[i+1][j-1]='p'; to.a[i][j]='.'; next.pb(to); }
if (j<3&&a[i+1][j+1]=='P') { status to=*this; to.a[i+1][j+1]='p'; to.a[i][j]='.'; next.pb(to); }
}st; int t;
inline int AlphaBeta_Search(status now,int step,int player,int alpha,int beta)
int res=now.isover(); if (!res) return INF-step; if (~res) return step-INF;
vector <status> next; next.clear(); now.expand(player,next);
int lim=next.size(); if (!lim) return player?INF-step:step-INF;
for (RI i=0;i<lim;++i)
if (player) beta=res<beta?res:beta; else alpha=res>alpha?res:alpha;
if (beta<=alpha) break;
return player?beta:alpha;
int main()
for (scanf("%d",&t);t;--t)
for (RI i=0;i<4;++i) scanf("%s",st.a[i]);
int res=AlphaBeta_Search(st,0,0,-2*INF,2*INF); //res<0 means black will win
if (res<0) printf("black (%d)\n",res+INF); else printf("white (%d)\n",-res+INF);
return 0;

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