
 #include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring> using namespace std; const int maxn = 3e5+;
int num[maxn],st[maxn]; struct Treap{
int size;
int key,fix;
Treap *ch[]; Treap(int key)
size = ;
fix = rand();
this->key = key;
ch[] = ch[] = NULL;
int compare(int x) const
if(x == key) return -;
return x < key ? : ;
void Maintain()
size = ;
if(ch[] != NULL) size += ch[]->size;
if(ch[] != NULL) size += ch[]->size;
}; void Rotate(Treap* &t ,int d)
Treap *k = t->ch[d^];
t->ch[d^] = k->ch[d];
k->ch[d] = t;
t = k;
} void Insert(Treap* &t,int x)
if(t == NULL) t = new Treap(x);
int d = x < t->key ? : ;
if(t->ch[d]->fix > t->fix)
} void Delete(Treap* &t,int x)
int d = t->compare(x);
if(d == -)
Treap *tmp = t;
if(t->ch[] == NULL)
t = t->ch[];
delete tmp;
tmp = NULL;
else if(t->ch[] == NULL)
t = t->ch[];
delete tmp;
tmp = NULL;
int k = t->ch[]->fix > t->ch[]->fix ? : ;
else Delete(t->ch[d],x);
if(t!=NULL) t->Maintain();
} bool Find(Treap *t,int x)
while(t != NULL)
int d = t->compare(x);
if(d == -) return true;
t = t->ch[d];
return false;
} int Kth(Treap *t,int k)
if(t == NULL || k <= || k > t->size)
return -;
if(t->ch[] == NULL && k == )
return t->key;
if(t->ch[] == NULL)
return Kth(t->ch[],k-);
if(t->ch[]->size >= k)
return Kth(t->ch[],k);
if(t->ch[]->size + == k)
return t->key;
return Kth(t->ch[],k--t->ch[]->size);
} int Rank(Treap *t,int x)
int r;
if(t->ch[] == NULL) r = ;
else r = t->ch[]->size;
if(x == t->key) return r+;
if(x < t->key)
return Rank(t->ch[],x);
return r++Rank(t->ch[],x);
} void DeleteTreap(Treap* &t)
if(t == NULL) return;
if(t->ch[] != NULL) DeleteTreap(t->ch[]);
if(t->ch[] != NULL) DeleteTreap(t->ch[]);
delete t;
t = NULL;
} int save[maxn];
int M,N; int main()
for(int i=;i<=M;i++)
Treap *root = NULL;
int cnt = ;
for(int i=,x;i<=N;i++)
for(int j = cnt;j <= x;j++)
cnt = x+;


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