


  case class GetItemInfo(itemcode: String) extends Command
case class AddItem(item: Item, qty: Int) extends Command
case class AliPay(amount: Double) extends Command



AddItem: 这个指令只影响交易状态,没有副作用,转换成 :ItemAdded(item: Item, qty: Int) extends Event

AliPay:改变交易状态并且产生副作用,因为要即时从支付宝扣款。做法:先确定支付成功,然后转成: AliPaid(amount  Double) extends Event

  case class ItemAdded(item: Item, qty: Int) extends Event
case class AliPaid(amount: Double) extends Event


case class TxnItem(
num: Int //销售单号
,seq: Int //交易序号
,txntype: Int //交易类型编号
,code: String //编号(商品、账号...)
,qty: Int //交易数量
,price: Int //单价(分)
,amount: Int //金额(分)
case class SalesMemo(salesnum: Int, txnitems: List[TxnItem] = Nil) {
def itemAdded(evt: Event): SalesMemo = evt match {
case ItemAdded(item,qty) =>
copy(txnitems = TxnItem(salesnum, txnitems.length+,,item.code,qty,item.price,qty * item.price) :: txnitems)
case _ => this
} def aliPaid(evt: Event) = evt match {
case AliPaid(amt) =>
copy(txnitems = TxnItem(salesnum,txnitems.length+,,'ali',,amt,amt) :: items)
case _ => this



//无干扰存写,后面进来的消息先存放在内部的临时存放点 message-stashing
def persist[A](event: A)(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
} //同时存写多个事件
def persistAll[A](events: immutable.Seq[A])(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
} //异步存写事件,没有临时存放点机制 no-message-stashing
def persistAsync[A](event: A)(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
} //异步存写多项事件
def persistAllAsync[A](events: immutable.Seq[A])(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
} //不存写事件,利用内部临时存放点机制来保证handler执行顺序
def defer[A](event: A)(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
} //不存写事件,只保证handler运行顺序
def deferAsync[A](event: A)(handler: A ⇒ Unit): Unit = {


  override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case c: String ⇒ {
sender() ! c
persist(s"evt-$c-1") { e ⇒ sender() ! e }
persist(s"evt-$c-2") { e ⇒ sender() ! e }
defer(s"evt-$c-3") { e ⇒ sender() ! e }
} //有内部临存 with message stashing
persistentActor ! "a"
persistentActor ! "b" // order of received messages:
// a
// evt-a-1
// evt-a-2
// evt-a-3
// b
// evt-b-1
// evt-b-2
// evt-b-3 ----------------------------------
override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case c: String ⇒ {
sender() ! c
persistAsync(s"evt-$c-1") { e ⇒ sender() ! e }
persistAsync(s"evt-$c-2") { e ⇒ sender() ! e }
deferAsync(s"evt-$c-3") { e ⇒ sender() ! e }
} persistentActor ! "a"
persistentActor ! "b" // order of received messages:
// a
// b //无临存机制,外部信息立即处理了
// evt-a-1
// evt-a-2
// evt-a-3
// evt-b-1
// evt-b-2
// evt-b-3


override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case c: String ⇒
sender() ! c persist(s"$c-1-outer") { outer1 ⇒
sender() ! outer1
persist(s"$c-1-inner") { inner1 ⇒
sender() ! inner1
} persist(s"$c-2-outer") { outer2 ⇒
sender() ! outer2
persist(s"$c-2-inner") { inner2 ⇒
sender() ! inner2
} persistentActor ! "a"
persistentActor ! "b" // order of received messages:
// a
// a-outer-1
// a-outer-2
// a-inner-1
// a-inner-2
// and only then process "b"
// b
// b-outer-1
// b-outer-2
// b-inner-1
// b-inner-2 --------------------------------
override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case c: String ⇒
sender() ! c
persistAsync(c + "-outer-1") { outer ⇒
sender() ! outer
persistAsync(c + "-inner-1") { inner ⇒ sender() ! inner }
persistAsync(c + "-outer-2") { outer ⇒
sender() ! outer
persistAsync(c + "-inner-2") { inner ⇒ sender() ! inner }
} persistentActor ! "a"
persistentActor ! "b" // order of received messages:
// a
// b
// a-outer-1
// a-outer-2
// b-outer-1
// b-outer-2
// a-inner-1
// a-inner-2
// b-inner-1
// b-inner-2 // which can be seen as the following causal relationship:
// a -> a-outer-1 -> a-outer-2 -> a-inner-1 -> a-inner-2
// b -> b-outer-1 -> b-outer-2 -> b-inner-1 -> b-inner-2


  override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case AddItem(item,qty) =>
case AliPay(amt) =>
try {
if (aliOnlinePay(amt)) //先产生副作用
} catch {
case _ > Throw new OnlinePayExecption("boom!!!")


  override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
case evt: Event =>
salesMemo = salesMemo.updateMemo(evt)
case SnapshotOffer(_,loggedItems: SalesMemo) =>
salesMemo = loggedItems


def saveSnapshot(snapshot: Any): Unit = {
snapshotStore ! SaveSnapshot(SnapshotMetadata(snapshotterId, snapshotSequenceNr), snapshot)
} /**
* Offers a [[PersistentActor]] a previously saved `snapshot` during recovery. This offer is received
* before any further replayed messages.
final case class SnapshotOffer(metadata: SnapshotMetadata, snapshot: Any) /**
* Snapshot metadata.
* @param persistenceId id of persistent actor from which the snapshot was taken.
* @param sequenceNr sequence number at which the snapshot was taken.
* @param timestamp time at which the snapshot was saved, defaults to 0 when unknown.
@SerialVersionUID(1L) //#snapshot-metadata
final case class SnapshotMetadata(persistenceId: String, sequenceNr: Long, timestamp: Long = 0L)


* Called whenever a message replay fails. By default it logs the error.
* Subclass may override to customize logging.
* The actor is always stopped after this method has been invoked.
* @param cause failure cause.
* @param event the event that was processed in `receiveRecover`, if the exception
* was thrown there
protected def onRecoveryFailure(cause: Throwable, event: Option[Any]): Unit =
* Called when persist fails. By default it logs the error.
* Subclass may override to customize logging and for example send negative
* acknowledgment to sender.
* The actor is always stopped after this method has been invoked.
* Note that the event may or may not have been saved, depending on the type of
* failure.
* @param cause failure cause.
* @param event the event that was to be persisted
protected def onPersistFailure(cause: Throwable, event: Any, seqNr: Long): Unit = {
* Called when the journal rejected `persist` of an event. The event was not
* stored. By default this method logs the problem as a warning, and the actor continues.
* The callback handler that was passed to the `persist` method will not be invoked.
* @param cause failure cause
* @param event the event that was to be persisted
protected def onPersistRejected(cause: Throwable, event: Any, seqNr: Long): Unit = {


trait PersistenceRecovery {
* Called when the persistent actor is started for the first time.
* The returned [[Recovery]] object defines how the Actor will recover its persistent state before
* handling the first incoming message.
* To skip recovery completely return `Recovery.none`.
def recovery: Recovery = Recovery()


override def stateReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any) = try message match {
case ReplayedMessage(p) ⇒
try {
eventSeenInInterval = true
Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(recoveryBehavior, p)
} catch {
case NonFatal(t) ⇒
try onRecoveryFailure(t, Some(p.payload)) finally context.stop(self)
case RecoverySuccess(highestSeqNr) ⇒
onReplaySuccess() // callback for subclass implementation
sequenceNr = highestSeqNr
_recoveryRunning = false
try Eventsourced.super.aroundReceive(recoveryBehavior, RecoveryCompleted)
finally transitToProcessingState()
case ReplayMessagesFailure(cause) ⇒
try onRecoveryFailure(cause, event = None) finally context.stop(self)
case RecoveryTick(false) if !eventSeenInInterval ⇒
try onRecoveryFailure(
new RecoveryTimedOut(s"Recovery timed out, didn't get event within $timeout, highest sequence number seen $lastSequenceNr"),
event = None)
finally context.stop(self)
case RecoveryTick(false) ⇒
eventSeenInInterval = false
case RecoveryTick(true) ⇒
// snapshot tick, ignore
case other ⇒
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) ⇒
throw e


* Can be overridden to intercept calls to this actor's current behavior.
* @param receive current behavior.
* @param msg current message.
protected[akka] def aroundReceive(receive: Actor.Receive, msg: Any): Unit = {
// optimization: avoid allocation of lambda
if (receive.applyOrElse(msg, Actor.notHandledFun).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq Actor.NotHandled) {

因为EventSourced继承了PersistenceRecovery trait,所以重载recovery函数可以改变状态恢复行为。默认的模式是:

* Recovery mode configuration object to be returned in [[PersistentActor#recovery]].
* By default recovers from latest snapshot replays through to the last available event (last sequenceId).
* Recovery will start from a snapshot if the persistent actor has previously saved one or more snapshots
* and at least one of these snapshots matches the specified `fromSnapshot` criteria.
* Otherwise, recovery will start from scratch by replaying all stored events.
* If recovery starts from a snapshot, the persistent actor is offered that snapshot with a [[SnapshotOffer]]
* message, followed by replayed messages, if any, that are younger than the snapshot, up to the
* specified upper sequence number bound (`toSequenceNr`).
* @param fromSnapshot criteria for selecting a saved snapshot from which recovery should start. Default
* is latest (= youngest) snapshot.
* @param toSequenceNr upper sequence number bound (inclusive) for recovery. Default is no upper bound.
* @param replayMax maximum number of messages to replay. Default is no limit.
final case class Recovery(
fromSnapshot: SnapshotSelectionCriteria = SnapshotSelectionCriteria.Latest,
toSequenceNr: Long = Long.MaxValue,
replayMax: Long = Long.MaxValue)


* Sent to a [[PersistentActor]] when the journal replay has been finished.
case object RecoveryCompleted extends RecoveryCompleted {
final class RecoveryTimedOut(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message) with NoStackTrace


* Returns `true` if this persistent actor is currently recovering.
def recoveryRunning: Boolean = {
// currentState is null if this is called from constructor
if (currentState == null) true else currentState.recoveryRunning
} /**
* Returns `true` if this persistent actor has successfully finished recovery.
def recoveryFinished: Boolean = !recoveryRunning


* Permanently deletes all persistent messages with sequence numbers less than or equal `toSequenceNr`.
* If the delete is successful a [[DeleteMessagesSuccess]] will be sent to the actor.
* If the delete fails a [[DeleteMessagesFailure]] will be sent to the actor.
* @param toSequenceNr upper sequence number bound of persistent messages to be deleted.
def deleteMessages(toSequenceNr: Long): Unit =
journal ! DeleteMessagesTo(persistenceId, toSequenceNr, self)


* Returns `persistenceId`.
override def snapshotterId: String = persistenceId /**
* Highest received sequence number so far or `0L` if this actor hasn't replayed
* or stored any persistent events yet.
def lastSequenceNr: Long = _lastSequenceNr /**
* Returns `lastSequenceNr`.
def snapshotSequenceNr: Long = lastSequenceNr


* Reply message to a successful [[Eventsourced#deleteMessages]] request.
final case class DeleteMessagesSuccess(toSequenceNr: Long) /**
* Reply message to a failed [[Eventsourced#deleteMessages]] request.
final case class DeleteMessagesFailure(cause: Throwable, toSequenceNr: Long)


* Snapshotter id.
def snapshotterId: String /**
* Sequence number to use when taking a snapshot.
def snapshotSequenceNr: Long /**
* Instructs the snapshot store to load the specified snapshot and send it via an [[SnapshotOffer]]
* to the running [[PersistentActor]].
def loadSnapshot(persistenceId: String, criteria: SnapshotSelectionCriteria, toSequenceNr: Long) =
snapshotStore ! LoadSnapshot(persistenceId, criteria, toSequenceNr) /**
* Saves a `snapshot` of this snapshotter's state.
* The [[PersistentActor]] will be notified about the success or failure of this
* via an [[SaveSnapshotSuccess]] or [[SaveSnapshotFailure]] message.
def saveSnapshot(snapshot: Any): Unit = {
snapshotStore ! SaveSnapshot(SnapshotMetadata(snapshotterId, snapshotSequenceNr), snapshot)
} /**
* Deletes the snapshot identified by `sequenceNr`.
* The [[PersistentActor]] will be notified about the status of the deletion
* via an [[DeleteSnapshotSuccess]] or [[DeleteSnapshotFailure]] message.
def deleteSnapshot(sequenceNr: Long): Unit = {
snapshotStore ! DeleteSnapshot(SnapshotMetadata(snapshotterId, sequenceNr))
} /**
* Deletes all snapshots matching `criteria`.
* The [[PersistentActor]] will be notified about the status of the deletion
* via an [[DeleteSnapshotsSuccess]] or [[DeleteSnapshotsFailure]] message.
def deleteSnapshots(criteria: SnapshotSelectionCriteria): Unit = {
snapshotStore ! DeleteSnapshots(snapshotterId, criteria)


* Snapshot metadata.
* @param persistenceId id of persistent actor from which the snapshot was taken.
* @param sequenceNr sequence number at which the snapshot was taken.
* @param timestamp time at which the snapshot was saved, defaults to 0 when unknown.
@SerialVersionUID(1L) //#snapshot-metadata
final case class SnapshotMetadata(persistenceId: String, sequenceNr: Long, timestamp: Long = 0L)
//#snapshot-metadata object SnapshotMetadata {
implicit val ordering: Ordering[SnapshotMetadata] = Ordering.fromLessThan[SnapshotMetadata] { (a, b) ⇒
if (a eq b) false
else if (a.persistenceId != b.persistenceId) a.persistenceId.compareTo(b.persistenceId) <
else if (a.sequenceNr != b.sequenceNr) a.sequenceNr < b.sequenceNr
else if (a.timestamp != b.timestamp) a.timestamp < b.timestamp
else false
} /**
* Sent to a [[PersistentActor]] after successful saving of a snapshot.
* @param metadata snapshot metadata.
final case class SaveSnapshotSuccess(metadata: SnapshotMetadata)
extends SnapshotProtocol.Response /**
* Sent to a [[PersistentActor]] after successful deletion of a snapshot.
* @param metadata snapshot metadata.
final case class DeleteSnapshotSuccess(metadata: SnapshotMetadata)
extends SnapshotProtocol.Response /**
* Sent to a [[PersistentActor]] after successful deletion of specified range of snapshots.
* @param criteria snapshot selection criteria.
final case class DeleteSnapshotsSuccess(criteria: SnapshotSelectionCriteria)
extends SnapshotProtocol.Response /**
* Sent to a [[PersistentActor]] after failed saving of a snapshot.
* @param metadata snapshot metadata.
* @param cause failure cause.
final case class SaveSnapshotFailure(metadata: SnapshotMetadata, cause: Throwable)
extends SnapshotProtocol.Response /**
* Sent to a [[PersistentActor]] after failed deletion of a snapshot.
* @param metadata snapshot metadata.
* @param cause failure cause.
final case class DeleteSnapshotFailure(metadata: SnapshotMetadata, cause: Throwable)
extends SnapshotProtocol.Response /**
* Sent to a [[PersistentActor]] after failed deletion of a range of snapshots.
* @param criteria snapshot selection criteria.
* @param cause failure cause.
final case class DeleteSnapshotsFailure(criteria: SnapshotSelectionCriteria, cause: Throwable)
extends SnapshotProtocol.Response /**
* Offers a [[PersistentActor]] a previously saved `snapshot` during recovery. This offer is received
* before any further replayed messages.
final case class SnapshotOffer(metadata: SnapshotMetadata, snapshot: Any) /**
* Selection criteria for loading and deleting snapshots.
* @param maxSequenceNr upper bound for a selected snapshot's sequence number. Default is no upper bound,
* i.e. `Long.MaxValue`
* @param maxTimestamp upper bound for a selected snapshot's timestamp. Default is no upper bound,
* i.e. `Long.MaxValue`
* @param minSequenceNr lower bound for a selected snapshot's sequence number. Default is no lower bound,
* i.e. `0L`
* @param minTimestamp lower bound for a selected snapshot's timestamp. Default is no lower bound,
* i.e. `0L`
* @see [[Recovery]]
final case class SnapshotSelectionCriteria(
maxSequenceNr: Long = Long.MaxValue,
maxTimestamp: Long = Long.MaxValue,
minSequenceNr: Long = 0L,
minTimestamp: Long = 0L) { /**
private[persistence] def limit(toSequenceNr: Long): SnapshotSelectionCriteria =
if (toSequenceNr < maxSequenceNr) copy(maxSequenceNr = toSequenceNr) else this /**
private[persistence] def matches(metadata: SnapshotMetadata): Boolean =
metadata.sequenceNr <= maxSequenceNr && metadata.timestamp <= maxTimestamp &&
metadata.sequenceNr >= minSequenceNr && metadata.timestamp >= minTimestamp
} object SnapshotSelectionCriteria {
* The latest saved snapshot.
val Latest = SnapshotSelectionCriteria() /**
* No saved snapshot matches.
val None = SnapshotSelectionCriteria(0L, 0L) /**
* Java API.
def create(maxSequenceNr: Long, maxTimestamp: Long) =
SnapshotSelectionCriteria(maxSequenceNr, maxTimestamp) /**
* Java API.
def create(maxSequenceNr: Long, maxTimestamp: Long,
minSequenceNr: Long, minTimestamp: Long) =
SnapshotSelectionCriteria(maxSequenceNr, maxTimestamp, minSequenceNr, minTimestamp) /**
* Java API.
def latest() = Latest /**
* Java API.
def none() = None
} /**
* Plugin API: a selected snapshot matching [[SnapshotSelectionCriteria]].
* @param metadata snapshot metadata.
* @param snapshot snapshot.
final case class SelectedSnapshot(metadata: SnapshotMetadata, snapshot: Any) object SelectedSnapshot {
* Java API, Plugin API.
def create(metadata: SnapshotMetadata, snapshot: Any): SelectedSnapshot =
SelectedSnapshot(metadata, snapshot)
} /**
* Defines messages exchanged between persistent actors and a snapshot store.
private[persistence] object SnapshotProtocol { /** Marker trait shared by internal snapshot messages. */
sealed trait Message extends Protocol.Message
/** Internal snapshot command. */
sealed trait Request extends Message
/** Internal snapshot acknowledgement. */
sealed trait Response extends Message /**
* Instructs a snapshot store to load a snapshot.
* @param persistenceId persistent actor id.
* @param criteria criteria for selecting a snapshot from which recovery should start.
* @param toSequenceNr upper sequence number bound (inclusive) for recovery.
final case class LoadSnapshot(persistenceId: String, criteria: SnapshotSelectionCriteria, toSequenceNr: Long)
extends Request /**
* Response message to a [[LoadSnapshot]] message.
* @param snapshot loaded snapshot, if any.
final case class LoadSnapshotResult(snapshot: Option[SelectedSnapshot], toSequenceNr: Long)
extends Response /**
* Reply message to a failed [[LoadSnapshot]] request.
* @param cause failure cause.
final case class LoadSnapshotFailed(cause: Throwable) extends Response /**
* Instructs snapshot store to save a snapshot.
* @param metadata snapshot metadata.
* @param snapshot snapshot.
final case class SaveSnapshot(metadata: SnapshotMetadata, snapshot: Any)
extends Request /**
* Instructs snapshot store to delete a snapshot.
* @param metadata snapshot metadata.
final case class DeleteSnapshot(metadata: SnapshotMetadata)
extends Request /**
* Instructs snapshot store to delete all snapshots that match `criteria`.
* @param persistenceId persistent actor id.
* @param criteria criteria for selecting snapshots to be deleted.
final case class DeleteSnapshots(persistenceId: String, criteria: SnapshotSelectionCriteria)
extends Request


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