Posche Piwis 3 Original and Clone – What’s the difference
Category : Car Diagnostic Tools
What’s the difference between Porsche Tester Piwis III original and clone:
The genuine and copy differ in hardware only.
They share the same functions and features.
look here:
original piwis tester 3:
clone piwis 3:
Why you should have a Porsche Piwis 3:
* vehicle coverage up to 2018: 911, Macan, Cayeme, Panamera, Boxter Cayman
* Fast and stable connection Simulation mode ( diagnostic session without VCI connection )
* Support online immobilizer programming
* New DoIP diagnostic technique based on Ethereum for post-2017 Porsche
* Developer mode enabled
What’s the difference between Porsche Piwis Tester II and Piwis 3:
PIWIS Tester III covers all new Porsche models like new Panamera 971, Cayenne 9Y0, Cayman 981 GT4 clubsport, etc., which are not supported by PIWIS II at all and will never be supported in the future. PIWIS Tester III also supports full range of diagnostics functions for all the Porsche models which have ever been released.
What can you do with Piwis 3 v37.250.015:
* Diagnostics application is used for communication with control units. You can search for, identify, code and control program units, read out the event memory, execute complex processes, change drive links and execute routines.
* Guided fault finding (GFF) generates a test plan for a fault code. This test plan shows the best sequence for carrying out tests. GFF compiles a list of recommended tests, documents and wiring diagrams
* Actual values/input signals functions displays you the actual values and input signals of control units
* Drive links/tests function displays the drive links of control units, allows you to change the parameters of these drive links and run test routines for individual control units
* Maintenance/repairs function group – use this function to call up control unit-specific processes that cannot be implemented generically from the ODX data
* Coding/programming function group – use this function to write coding values. Values can be coded automatically or set manually. This function group includes (Automatic coding, Manual coding, Customer-specific settings and Factory settings) coding modes
* Logging – use this function to activate logging for diagnostics, guided fault finding (GFF) and measuring equipment applications. Temporary and permanent working log can be created
* Filter – use this function to limit the view of the control units installed in the vehicle. In the diagnostic application you can create, edit, activate, deactivate or assign filters
* Wiring diagrams application is the representation of physical connections and layouts of circuits
* Measuring equipment interface is used for DC and AC voltage measurement, direct and alternating current measurement, diode testing, resistance measurement, continuity/open circuit testing, showing voltage, current and resistance over time (oscilloscope function)
Which Porsche model and year can be done with Piwis 3:
Piwis 3 is confirmed to work with
all Porsche from 1998-2018:
Porsche 911(997) (991)
Boxster/Cayman (987)
Cayenne up to MY 2010
Cayenne from MY 2011
Especially the latest models:
Paramera (971) 2018
Caynenne (92A) 2018
Macan (95B) 2018
911 (991) 2018
and other old models
Any successful tests on Porsche with Piwis 3?
Look here: test on Panamera 971 (after 2017)
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