March 03rd, 2018 Week 9th Saturday
No cross, no crown.
Sometimes you can see a beautiful rainbow high in the sky without having to experience wind and rain, for you can stay in some safe and comfortable places
And for some unfortunate ones, they only saw rains but no rainbow, they only were tortured by storms without becoming stronger, then what should they do to continue their miserable life?
Maybe they should keep believing that life would finally pay all their efforts back with things they have always dreamed about.
Maybe they must believe that if there is no wind and rain, then their life, flowing rapidly through in the rock and in the turbulent can't build up many beautiful things beyond description.
It is not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life; it is what you whisper to yourself that has the most power.
From Robert T. Kiyosaki.
In my humble opinion, both what we say out of our mouth and what we whisper to ourselves can't determine our life, only what we do, our concrete actions, have the most power to determine what we will be.
Whatever our dreams are, we must translate them into concrete actions, we should prove that we are not just some who talk big and do nothing by our outcomes.
There is no harm to announce our dreams and your plans to the public, but we must make sure that we can make some deliverable achievements within a certain time, otherwise it would be unavoidable that we were deemed as losers with loudmouth but empty head.
Try to think about how to provide some interface functions so that others can invoke our service.
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