
One of the biggest advantages you will notice in the .NET network library is the way IP address/port pairs are handled. It is a fairly straightforward process that presents a welcome improvement over the old, confusing UNIX way. .NET defines two classes in the System.Net namespace to handle various types of IP address information:

  • IPAddress
  • IPEndPoint


An IPAddress object is used to represent a single IP address. This value is then used in various socket methods to represent the IP address. The default constructor for IPAddress is as follows:

public IPAddress(long address)


The default constructor takes a long value and converts it to an IPAddress value. In practice, the default is almost never used. Instead, several methods in theIPAddress class can be used to create and manipulate IP addresses. The Parse() method is often used to create IPAddress instances:

IPAddress newaddress = IPAddress.Parse("");

.NET框架用IPEndPoint 对象来表示一个特定的IP地址和端口的组合,应用该对象的场景多是在讲socket绑定到本地地址或者将socket绑定到非本地地址。

The .NET Framework uses the IPEndPoint object to represent a specific IP address/port combination. An IPEndPoint object is used when binding sockets to local addresses, or when connecting sockets to remote addresses.

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