This toolbar will help you in testing sql injections, XSS holes and site security. It is NOT a tool for executing standard exploits and it will NOT teach you how to hack a site. Its main purpose is to help a developer do security audits on his code. If you know what your doing, this toolbar will help you do it faster. If you want to learn to find security holes, you can also use this toolbar, but you will probably also need a book, a lot of Google and a brain :)

HackBar 是firefox浏览器上的一个插件!很多计算机安全爱好者都喜欢用!但是刚入门的都不知这个怎么用.今天就给大家仔细讲解下!

HackBar 其实是一个小工具包,包含一些黑客常用的工具。比如SQL injection,XSS,加密等!



# The advantages are:(优点)
- Even the most complicated urls will be readable
- The focus will stay on the textarea, so after executing the url (Ctrl+Enter) you can just go on typing / testing
- The url in textarea is not affected by redirects.
- I tend to use it as a notepad :)
- Useful tools like on the fly uu/url decoding etc.
- All functions work on the currently selected text.
- MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashing
- MySQL/MS SQL Server/Oracle shortcuts
- XSS useful functions


- textarea的URL重定向不会受到影响!
- 使用它作为一个记事本:)
- 有用的工具,如飞UU / URL解码等。
- 所有的功能工作在当前选定的文本。
- MD5/SHA1/SHA256散列排列等
- MySQL的/的MS SQL Server/ Oracle的捷径工具

- XSS的有用功能)
- And lots more ;) Go test it!

# Shortcuts(快捷键)

- Load url ( Alt + A )
- Split url ( Alt + S )
- Execute ( Alt + X, Ctrl + Enter )
- INT - ( Alt - )
- INT + ( Alt + )
- HEX - ( Ctrl Alt - )
- HEX + ( Ctrl + Alt + )
- MD5 Hash ( Alt + M )
- MySQL CHAR() ( Alt + Y )
- MS SQL Server CHAR() ( Alt + Q )

SQL Injection 不支持 Firefox 3.6。
SQL Injection is an Upgrade from the old form free, it is a component to transform checkboxes, radio buttons, select elements to a input text and enable disabled elements from all forms in a page.
It makes easier to test and identify SQL injection vulnerabilities in web pages.

1. Add N Edit Cookies 查看和修改本地的Cookie,Cookie欺骗必备。
2. User Agent Switcher 修改浏览器的User Agent,可以用来XSS。
3. RefControl 修改Referer引用,也可以用来XSS或者突破一些防盗链。
4. Live HTTP Headers 记录本地的Get和Post数据,并可修改数据后重新提交。
5. Poster 用来Post和Get数据。
6. XSS-Me &SQL Inject-Me&Access-Me 分别用来检测XSS,SQL Inject和Access缺陷。
  tamperIE IEwatch IE headers

  • LiveHttpheaders
  • tamperdata
  • modify headers
  • HTTP代理有
  • paros代理
  • webscarab代理
  • fiddler
  • watchfire powertools


功能慢慢探索,有个迫切的问题,怎么把这个工具隐藏掉... -.没有使用文档,就去翻翻插件的评论,里面有答案。 按F9、


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