网络编程之Reactor 模式
基本的架构是 epoll+线程池。
(3)如何将epoll + 池结合起来实现一个群聊
一. reactor 模式:
场景:银行, 和三个业务工作人员 ,一个接待,有很多人在等待。
IO模型实现reactor 模式的工作流程:
(3)当socket上有数据可读,epoll_wait 通知主线程。主线程从socket可读事件放入请求队列。
然后向 epoll内核事件表里注册写的就绪事件
(5)主线程调用epoll_wait()等待数据可写 。
(三)epoll + 池的结合
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include "thread_pool.h"
#include "thread_pool.c"
#define MAX_EVENT_NUMBER 1000
#define SIZE 1024
#define MAX 10 //从主线程向工作线程数据结构
struct fd
int epollfd;
int sockfd ;
}; //用户说明
struct user
int sockfd ; //文件描述符
char client_buf [SIZE]; //数据的缓冲区
struct user user_client[MAX]; //定义一个全局的客户数据表 //由于epoll设置的EPOLLONESHOT模式,当出现errno =EAGAIN,就需要重新设置文件描述符(可读)
void reset_oneshot (int epollfd , int fd)
struct epoll_event event ; = fd ; = EPOLLIN|EPOLLET|EPOLLONESHOT ;
epoll_ctl (epollfd , EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd , &event); }
int addreadfd (int epollfd , int fd , int oneshot)
struct epoll_event event ; = fd ; |= ~ EPOLLIN ; |= EPOLLOUT ; |= EPOLLET;
if (oneshot)
epoll_ctl (epollfd , EPOLL_CTL_MOD ,fd , &event); }
int groupchat (int epollfd , int sockfd , char *buf)
{ int i = ;
for ( i = ; i < MAX ; i++)
if (user_client[i].sockfd == sockfd)
continue ;
strncpy (user_client[i].client_buf ,buf , strlen (buf)) ;
addreadfd (epollfd , user_client[i].sockfd , ); } }
int funcation (void *args)
int sockfd = ((struct fd*)args)->sockfd ;
int epollfd =((struct fd*)args)->epollfd;
char buf[SIZE];
memset (buf , '\0', SIZE); printf ("start new thread to receive data on fd :%d\n", sockfd); //由于我将epoll的工作模式设置为ET模式,所以就要用一个循环来读取数据,防止数据没有读完,而丢失。
while ()
int ret = recv (sockfd ,buf , SIZE- , );
if (ret == )
close (sockfd);
else if (ret < )
if (errno == EAGAIN)
reset_oneshot (epollfd, sockfd); //重新设置(上面已经解释了)
printf (" read data is %s\n", buf);
sleep ();
groupchat (epollfd , sockfd, buf );
} }
printf ("end thread receive data on fd : %d\n", sockfd); }
int addagainfd (int epollfd , int fd)
struct epoll_event event; = fd ; |= ~EPOLLOUT ; = EPOLLIN|EPOLLET|EPOLLONESHOT;
epoll_ctl (epollfd , EPOLL_CTL_MOD , fd , &event);
int reset_read_oneshot (int epollfd , int sockfd)
struct epoll_event event; = sockfd ; = EPOLLOUT |EPOLLET |EPOLLONESHOT ;
epoll_ctl (epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD , sockfd , &event);
return ; } //发送读的数据
int readfun (void *args)
int sockfd = ((struct fd *)args)->sockfd ;
int epollfd= ((struct fd*)args)->epollfd ; int ret = send (sockfd, user_client[sockfd].client_buf , strlen (user_client[sockfd].client_buf), ); //发送数据
if (ret == )
{ close (sockfd);
printf ("发送数据失败\n");
return - ;
else if (ret == EAGAIN)
reset_read_oneshot (epollfd , sockfd);
printf("send later\n");
return -;
memset (&user_client[sockfd].client_buf , '\0', sizeof (user_client[sockfd].client_buf));
addagainfd (epollfd , sockfd);//重新设置文件描述符 }
int setnoblocking (int fd)
int old_option = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL);
int new_option = old_option|O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl (fd , F_SETFL , new_option);
return old_option ;
} int addfd (int epollfd , int fd , int oneshot)
struct epoll_event event; = fd ; = EPOLLIN|EPOLLET ;
if (oneshot)
epoll_ctl (epollfd , EPOLL_CTL_ADD ,fd , &event);
setnoblocking (fd);
return ;
} int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct sockaddr_in address ;
const char *ip = "";
int port = ; memset (&address , , sizeof (address));
address.sin_family = AF_INET ;
inet_pton (AF_INET ,ip , &address.sin_addr);
address.sin_port =htons( port) ; int listenfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, );
assert (listen >=);
int reuse = ;
setsockopt (listenfd , SOL_SOCKET , SO_REUSEADDR , &reuse , sizeof (reuse)); //端口重用,因为出现过端口无法绑定的错误
int ret = bind (listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)&address , sizeof (address));
assert (ret >= ); ret = listen (listenfd , );
assert (ret >=); struct epoll_event events[MAX_EVENT_NUMBER]; int epollfd = epoll_create (); //创建内核事件描述符表
assert (epollfd != -);
addfd (epollfd , listenfd, ); thpool_t *thpool ; //线程池
thpool = thpool_init () ; //线程池的一个初始化 while ()
int ret = epoll_wait (epollfd, events, MAX_EVENT_NUMBER , -);//等待就绪的文件描述符,这个函数会将就绪的复制到events的结构体数组中。
if (ret < )
printf ("poll failure\n");
break ;
int i = ;
for ( i = ; i < ret ; i++ )
int sockfd = events[i].data.fd ; if (sockfd == listenfd)
struct sockaddr_in client_address ;
socklen_t client_length = sizeof (client_address);
int connfd = accept (listenfd , (struct sockaddr*)&client_address,&client_length);
user_client[connfd].sockfd = connfd ;
memset (&user_client[connfd].client_buf , '\0', sizeof (user_client[connfd].client_buf));
addfd (epollfd , connfd , );//将新的套接字加入到内核事件表里面。
else if (events[i].events & EPOLLIN)
struct fd fds_for_new_worker ;
fds_for_new_worker.epollfd = epollfd ;
fds_for_new_worker.sockfd = sockfd ; thpool_add_work (thpool, (void*)funcation ,&fds_for_new_worker);//将任务添加到工作队列中
}else if (events[i].events & EPOLLOUT)
{ struct fd fds_for_new_worker ;
fds_for_new_worker.epollfd = epollfd ;
fds_for_new_worker.sockfd = sockfd ;
thpool_add_work (thpool, (void*)readfun , &fds_for_new_worker );//将任务添加到工作队列中
} } } thpool_destory (thpool);
close (listenfd);
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h> #include "thread_pool.h" static int thpool_keepalive = ; //线程池保持存活
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER ; //静态赋值法初始化互斥锁 thpool_t * thpool_init (int threadsN){
thpool_t *tp_p ; if (!threadsN || threadsN < ){
threadsN = ; } tp_p = (thpool_t *)malloc (sizeof (thpool_t)) ;
if (tp_p == NULL){
fprintf (stderr ,"thpool_init (): could not allocate memory for thread pool\n");
return NULL ;
tp_p->threads = (pthread_t *)malloc (threadsN * sizeof (pthread_t));
if (tp_p->threads == NULL){
fprintf( stderr , "could not allocation memory for thread id\n");
return NULL;
tp_p->threadsN = threadsN ; if (thpool_jobqueue_init (tp_p) == -){
fprintf (stderr ,"could not allocate memory for job queue\n");
return NULL;
} /*初始化信号*/
tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem = (sem_t *)malloc (sizeof (sem_t)); /*定位一个匿名信号量,第二个参数是1表示。这个信号量将在进程内的线程是共享的,第三个参数是信号量的初始值*/
sem_init (tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem, , ); int t ; for (t = ; t < threadsN ; t++){
printf ("Create thread %d in pool\n", t); //第四个参数是传递给函数指针的一个参数,这个函数指针就是我们所说的线程指针
if (pthread_create (&(tp_p->threads[t]) , NULL , (void *) thpool_thread_do , (void *)tp_p)){
free (tp_p->threads); free (tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem);
free (tp_p->jobqueue);
free (tp_p);
return tp_p ;
} /*
* 初始化完线程应该处理的事情
* 这里存在两个信号量,
*/ void thpool_thread_do (thpool_t *tp_p){
while (thpool_keepalive)
if (sem_wait (tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem)) //如果工作队列中没有工作,那么所有的线程都将在这里阻塞,当他调用成功的时候,信号量-1
fprintf(stderr , "Waiting for semaphore\n");
exit ();
} if (thpool_keepalive)
void *(*func_buff) (void *arg);
void *arg_buff;
thpool_job_t *job_p; pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);
job_p = thpool_jobqueue_peek (tp_p);
func_buff = job_p->function ;
arg_buff= job_p->arg ;
thpool_jobqueue_removelast (tp_p);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex); func_buff (arg_buff); free (job_p);
return ;
return ; } int thpool_add_work (thpool_t *tp_p ,void * (*function_p )(void *), void *arg_p){ thpool_job_t *newjob ; newjob = (thpool_job_t *)malloc (sizeof (thpool_job_t));
if (newjob == NULL)
fprintf (stderr,"couldnot allocate memory for new job\n");
exit ();
newjob->function = function_p ;
newjob->arg = arg_p ; pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);
thpool_jobqueue_add (tp_p ,newjob);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex);
return ;
} void thpool_destory (thpool_t *tp_p){
int t ; thpool_keepalive = ; //让所有的线程运行的线程都退出循环 for (t = ; t < (tp_p->threadsN) ; t++ ){ //sem_post 会使在这个线程上阻塞的线程,不再阻塞
if (sem_post (tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem) ){
fprintf (stderr,"thpool_destory () : could not bypass sem_wait ()\n");
} }
if (sem_destroy (tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem)!= ){
fprintf (stderr, "thpool_destory () : could not destroy semaphore\n");
} for (t = ; t< (tp_p->threadsN) ; t++)
pthread_join (tp_p->threads[t], NULL);
thpool_jobqueue_empty (tp_p);
free (tp_p->threads);
free (tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem);
free (tp_p->jobqueue);
free (tp_p); } int thpool_jobqueue_init (thpool_t *tp_p)
tp_p->jobqueue = (thpool_jobqueue *)malloc (sizeof (thpool_jobqueue));
if (tp_p->jobqueue == NULL)
fprintf (stderr ,"thpool_jobqueue malloc is error\n");
return - ;
tp_p->jobqueue->tail = NULL ;
tp_p->jobqueue->head = NULL ;
tp_p->jobqueue->jobsN = ;
return ; } void thpool_jobqueue_add (thpool_t *tp_p , thpool_job_t *newjob_p){
newjob_p->next = NULL ;
newjob_p->prev = NULL ; thpool_job_t *oldfirstjob ;
oldfirstjob = tp_p->jobqueue->head; switch (tp_p->jobqueue->jobsN)
case :
tp_p->jobqueue->tail = newjob_p;
tp_p->jobqueue->head = newjob_p;
default :
oldfirstjob->prev= newjob_p ;
newjob_p->next = oldfirstjob ;
tp_p->jobqueue->head= newjob_p;
} (tp_p->jobqueue->jobsN)++ ;
sem_post (tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem); //原子操作,信号量增加1 ,保证线程安全 int sval ;
sem_getvalue (tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem , &sval); //sval表示当前正在阻塞的线程数量 } int thpool_jobqueue_removelast (thpool_t *tp_p){
thpool_job_t *oldlastjob , *tmp;
oldlastjob = tp_p->jobqueue->tail ; switch (tp_p->jobqueue->jobsN)
case :
return - ;
case :
tp_p->jobqueue->head = NULL ;
tp_p->jobqueue->tail = NULL ;
default :
tmp = oldlastjob->prev ;
tmp->next = NULL ;
tp_p->jobqueue->tail = oldlastjob->prev; }
(tp_p->jobqueue->jobsN) -- ;
int sval ;
sem_getvalue (tp_p->jobqueue->queueSem, &sval);
return ;
thpool_job_t * thpool_jobqueue_peek (thpool_t *tp_p){
return tp_p->jobqueue->tail ;
} void thpool_jobqueue_empty (thpool_t *tp_p)
thpool_job_t *curjob;
curjob = tp_p->jobqueue->tail ;
while (tp_p->jobqueue->jobsN){
tp_p->jobqueue->tail = curjob->prev ;
free (curjob);
curjob = tp_p->jobqueue->tail ;
tp_p->jobqueue->jobsN -- ;
tp_p->jobqueue->tail = NULL ;
tp_p->jobqueue->head = NULL ;
#define THREAD_POOL_H #include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h> /*Individual job*/
typedef struct thpool_job_t {
void (*function)(void* arg); //函数指针
void *arg ; //函数的参数
struct tpool_job_t *next ; //指向下一个任务
struct tpool_job_t *prev ; //指向前一个任务
}thpool_job_t ; /*job queue as doubly linked list*/
typedef struct thpool_jobqueue {
thpool_job_t *head ; //队列的头指针
thpool_job_t *tail; //对列的尾指针
int jobsN; //队列中工作的个数
sem_t *queueSem; //原子信号量
}thpool_jobqueue; /*thread pool*/ typedef struct thpool_t {
pthread_t *threads ; //线程的ID
int threadsN ; //线程的数量
thpool_jobqueue *jobqueue; //工作队列的指针 }thpool_t; /*线程池中的线程都需要互斥锁和指向线程池的一个指针*/
typedef struct thread_data{
pthread_mutex_t *mutex_p ;
thpool_t *tp_p ;
}thread_data; /*
* 初始化线程池
* 为线程池, 工作队列, 申请内存空间,信号等申请内存空间
* @param :将被使用的线程ID
* @return :成功返回的线程池结构体,错误返回null
*/ thpool_t *thpool_init (int threadsN); /*
* 每个线程要做的事情
* 这是一个无止境循环,当撤销这线程池的时候,这个循环才会被中断
*@param: 线程池
*/ void thpool_thread_do (thpool_t *tp_p); /*
* 如果你想添加工作函数,需要更多的参数,通过传递一个指向结构体的指针,就可以实现一个接口
* ATTENTION:为了不引起警告,你不得不将函数和参数都带上
* @param: 添加工作的线程线程池
* @param: 这个工作的处理函数
* @param:函数的参数
* @return : int
*/ int thpool_t_add_work (thpool_t *tp_p ,void* (*function_p) (void *), void* arg_p ); /*
* @param:你想要撤销的线程池的指针
*/ void thpool_destory (thpool_t *tp_p); /*-----------------------Queue specific---------------------------------*/ /*
* 初始化队列
* @param: 指向线程池的指针
* @return :成功的时候返回是 0 ,分配内存失败的时候,返回是-1
int thpool_jobqueue_init (thpool_t *tp_p); /*
*函数 thpool_jobqueue_empty ()之前,这个新的任务要被申请内存空间
* @param: 指向线程池的指针
* @param:指向一个已经申请内存空间的任务
* @return nothing
void thpool_jobqueue_add (thpool_t * tp_p , thpool_job_t *newjob_p); /*
* 移除对列的最后一个任务
*@param :指向线程池的指针
*@return : 成功返回0 ,如果对列是空的,就返回-1
int thpool_jobqueue_removelast (thpool_t *tp_p); /*
thpool_job_t * thpool_jobqueue_peek (thpool_t *tp_p); /*
*这个函数将删除这个队列中的所有任务,将任务对列恢复到初始化状态,因此队列的头和对列的尾都设置为NULL ,此时队列中任务= 0
void thpool_jobqueue_empty (thpool_t *tp_p); #endif
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