You can create your own state store, not using any state management libraray.

You might have seen the partten: People create a Subject, then use abObservable() method.

export class State {
private prevState: INEO[];
private neoStoreSubject: BehaviorSubject<INEO[]>;
neoStore$: Observable<INEO[]>; protected constructor() {
this.neoStoreSubject = new BehaviorSubject([]);
this.neoStore$ = this.neoStoreSubject.asObservable();
} ...

Main reason for that is, we want to keep:

this.neoStoreSubject = new BehaviorSubject([]);

as private, we don't want any component can call .next() method to update store. The job for updating store should only happen in 'State' class.

// State class
setNeoStore(neoList: INEO[]) {

For component, we can subscribe this.neoStore$. it can only receive the data, but not update the store directly.

// From Component

  biggerFasterNeo$ =$.pipe(
filter(neoList => !!neoList === true),
map(neoList => neoList.filter(neo => {
if (neo.estimated_diameter > 0.5 || neo.relative_velocity > ) {
return neo;

For component

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