Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Similarity Measurements-Based Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
1、Pavia University,Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer (ROSIS) sensor得到,102个波段,1.3米空间分辨率,总大小610*340像素,9类地物
2、Salinas image,Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS),204个有效波段,3.7米空间分辨率,总大小512*217像素,16类地物
主要亮点在于像素点的选择吧,通过 Pixel Matching 和 Block Matching 来计算相似度距离,将距离按升序排列,选前n个距离最小的作为LSTM的输入,得到结果
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43. Sharma, A.; Liu, X.; Yang, X. Land cover classification from multi-temporal, multi-spectral remotely sensed
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44. Mou, L.; Ghamisi, P.; Zhu, X.X. Deep recurrent neural networks for hyperspectral image classification.
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