You are given a campus map with the Google buildings, roads and Google 
bikes. You have to help the employee find the nearest Google bike.

Campus map:

. - Free path/road
# - Building
B - Google bike Employee location - (x, y) - (1, 2) . . . . . #
. . E . . #
# # # # . #
. B . . . .
. . . . . B



from collections import deque

# This function returns the minimum cost
def bfs(googleMap, employeeLocation):
if not googleMap or not googleMap[0] or not employeeLocation:
return 0 minCost = 0
pathToBuilding = []
rows, cols = len(googleMap), len(googleMap[0])
# Perform a BFS here
startX, startY = employeeLocation
queue = deque([(startX, startY, 0, [])])
visited = set([(employeeLocation)]) while queue:
x, y, currCost, path = queue.popleft() if googleMap[x][y] == 'B': # Destination Reached
minCost = currCost
pathToBuilding = path
break for nextX, nextY, dir in [(x, y+1, 'R'), (x+1, y, 'D'), (x, y-1,'L'), (x-1, y, 'U')]:
if 0 <= nextX < rows and 0 <= nextY < cols \
and googleMap[nextX][nextY] != '#'\
and (nextX, nextY) not in visited: visited.add((nextX, nextY))
queue.append((nextX, nextY, currCost + 1, path + [dir])) return (minCost, pathToBuilding)


# Test Case 1
googleMap = [
['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '#'],
['.', '.', 'E', '.', '.', '#'],
['#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '#'],
['.', 'B', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', 'B']
print(bfs(googleMap, (1, 2)))
# OUTPUTS: (6, ['R', 'R', 'D', 'D', 'R', 'D']) # Test Case 2
googleMap = [
['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '#'],
['.', '.', 'E', '.', '.', '#'],
['#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '#'],
['B', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']
print(bfs(googleMap, (1, 2)))
# OUTPUTS: (8, ['R', 'R', 'D', 'D', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L'])



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