codeforces 805A

#include<cstring> using namespace std; int l,r,cnt1,cnt2; int main()
if(l!=r) printf("2\n");
else printf("%d\n",l);
return ;


codeforces 804E    (数学构造)

如果可能输出交换顺序。 表示并不会,看了题解后还是一知半解,代码实现也是不懂...
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define xx first
#define yy second
#define mp make_pair
#define pb push_back
#define fill( x, y ) memset( x, y, sizeof x )
#define copy( x, y ) memcpy( x, y, sizeof x )
using namespace std; typedef long long LL;
typedef pair < int, int > pa; inline int init()
int sc = , f = ; char ch = getchar();
while( ch < '' || ch > '' ) { if( ch == '-' ) f = -; ch = getchar(); }
while( ch >= '' && ch <= '' ) sc = sc * + ch - '', ch = getchar();
return sc * f;
} int main()
int n = init();
if( n % > ) return puts( "NO" ), ;
puts( "YES" );
for( int i = n % ; i < n ; i += )
for( int j = ; j < i ; j++ ) printf( "%d %d\n", j + , i + );
printf( "%d %d\n", i + , i + );
for( int j = i - ; ~j ; j-- ) printf( "%d %d\n", j + , i + );
for( int j = ; j < i ; j++ ) printf( "%d %d\n", j + , i + );
printf( "%d %d\n", i + , i + );
for( int j = i - ; ~j ; j-- ) printf( "%d %d\n", j + , i + );
printf( "%d %d\n", i + , i + );
printf( "%d %d\n", i + , i + );
printf( "%d %d\n", i + , i + );
printf( "%d %d\n", i + , i + );



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