



var jsonArray= new Array();

var jsonObj = {};

jsonObj["CourseId"] = $(this).children().eq(0).text();;

jsonObj["CertCategory"] = $(this).children().eq(3).text();

jsonObj["SubCertCategory"] = $(this).children().eq(4).text();



var jsonDate =


jsontype: "objType",

jsonCount: jsonArray.length,

jsonArray: jsonArray



type: "post",

url: "/AjaxPage/Certification.ashx",

dataType: "json",

data: objDate,

complete :function(){$("#load").hide();},//AJAX请求完成时隐藏

success: function (data)


if (data["Succeed"])



window.location.href = “";



error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)


alert("请求对象XMLHttpRequest: "+XMLHttpRequest);
           alert("错误类型textStatus: "+textStatus);
           alert("异常对象errorThrown: "+errorThrown);



后台ashx 接收:

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)


string jsontype= context.Request["jsontype"];

int  certCount=context.Request["jsonCount"];

AjaxResult    result = new AjaxResult ();

switch (jsontype)


case "objType":


#region 操作

for (int k = 0; k < certCount; k++)
                        var courseId = context.Request["jsonArray[" + k + "][CourseId]"];


result.Succeed = true;

result.resultMsg= ex.Message;








public class AjaxResult     {

public bool Succeed { get; set; }

public string resultMsg { get; set; }

public object  ObjInfo { get; set; }

public void setTrue(string message)


this.Succeed = true;

this.resultMsg= message;


public void setError(string message)


this.Succeed = false;

this.resultMsg= message;



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