A literal type is a type that represents exactly one value, e.g. one specific string or number. You can combine literal types with union types to model a finite set of valid values for a variable. In this lesson, we explore the all kinds of literal types in TypeScript:

  • String literal types
  • Numeric literal types
  • Boolean literal types
  • Enum literal types

First String literal types:

let autoComplete: "on" | "off" | "ON" | "OFF";
autoComplete = "On" // case sensitive, compiler error

Number literal types:

type NumberBase =  |  | | ;
let base: NumberBase;
base = ;
base = ; // error

Boolean literal types:

let autoFocus: true = true;
autoFocus = false; // error

Enum literal types:

enum Protocols {
} type HyperTextProtocol = Protocols.HTTP | Protocols.HTTPS; let protocol: HyperTextProtocol;
protocol = Protocols.HTTP;
protocol = Protocols.HTTPS;
protocol = Protocols.FTP; // error

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