这篇文章我将介绍如果用最简洁的方式配置Redis Server,


一. 背景介绍


缺点: 没有本地数据缓冲, 目前还没有完整的数据聚集化支持

优点: 配置简单, 使用方便, 高性能,支持不同的数据类型(hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets)

ASP.NET WebUI for viewing content of the cache

二. 安装Redis

1) 从github下载最新的32/64位安装



eg: d:\RedisServer

2) 从github下载Redis服务程序






eg: d:\RedisServer

3) 安装redis服务


sc create %name% binpath= "\"%binpath%\" %configpath%" start= "auto" DisplayName= "Redis"

%name% -- name of service instance, ex. redis-instance;

%binpath% -- path to this project exe file, ex. C:\Program Files\Redis\RedisService_1.1.exe;

%configpath% -- path to redis configuration file, ex. C:\Program Files\Redis\redis.conf;

sc create my-redis binpath= "\"D:\RedisServer\RedisService_1.1.exe\"  D:\RedisServer\redis.conf" start="auto" DisplayName= "MyRedis"

4) 基本配置


# requirepass foobared



RedisClient client = new RedisClient(serverHost, port, redisPassword);

Redis server replication (master - slave配置)

# slaveof <masterip> <masterport>


slaveof 6379

三. 客户端编程

1) 安装Redis包

2) 简单例子

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ServiceStack.Redis;
using System.Threading; namespace Zeus.Cache.Redis.Demo
public class SimpleRedisDemo
public void SimpleDemo()
string host = "localhost";
string elementKey = "testKeyRedis"; using (RedisClient redisClient = new RedisClient(host))
if (redisClient.Get<string>(elementKey) == null)
// adding delay to see the difference
// save value in cache
redisClient.Set(elementKey, "default value");
} //change the value
redisClient.Set(elementKey, "fuck you value"); // get value from the cache by key
string message = "Item value is: " + redisClient.Get<string>(elementKey); Console.WriteLine(message);


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