'vba 模块内容如下 自定义公式
'修正: '// 农历数据定义 //
'先以 H2B 函数还原成长度为 18 的字符串,其定义如下:
'最后4位为当年农历新年的公历日期,如0131代表1月31日;当作数值转十六进制(6-7位) '农历常量(1899~2100,共202年)
Private Const ylData = "AB500D2,4BD0883," _
& "4AE00DB,A5700D0,54D0581,D2600D8,D9500CC,655147D,56A00D5,9AD00CA,55D027A,4AE00D2," _
& "A5B0682,A4D00DA,D2500CE,D25157E,B5500D6,56A00CC,ADA027B,95B00D3,49717C9,49B00DC," _
& "A4B00D0,B4B0580,6A500D8,6D400CD,AB5147C,2B600D5,95700CA,52F027B,49700D2,6560682," _
& "D4A00D9,EA500CE,6A9157E,5AD00D6,2B600CC,86E137C,92E00D3,C8D1783,C9500DB,D4A00D0," _
& "D8A167F,B5500D7,56A00CD,A5B147D,25D00D5,92D00CA,D2B027A,A9500D2,B550781,6CA00D9," _
& "B5500CE,535157F,4DA00D6,A5B00CB,457037C,52B00D4,A9A0883,E9500DA,6AA00D0,AEA0680," _
& "AB500D7,4B600CD,AAE047D,A5700D5,52600CA,F260379,D9500D1,5B50782,56A00D9,96D00CE," _
& "4DD057F,4AD00D7,A4D00CB,D4D047B,D2500D3,D550883,B5400DA,B6A00CF,95A1680,95B00D8," _
& "49B00CD,A97047D,A4B00D5,B270ACA,6A500DC,6D400D1,AF40681,AB600D9,93700CE,4AF057F," _
& "49700D7,64B00CC,74A037B,EA500D2,6B50883,5AC00DB,AB600CF,96D0580,92E00D8,C9600CD," _
& "D95047C,D4A00D4,DA500C9,755027A,56A00D1,ABB0781,25D00DA,92D00CF,CAB057E,A9500D6," _
& "B4A00CB,BAA047B,B5500D2,55D0983,4BA00DB,A5B00D0,5171680,52B00D8,A9300CD,795047D," _
& "6AA00D4,AD500C9,5B5027A,4B600D2,96E0681,A4E00D9,D2600CE,EA6057E,D5300D5,5AA00CB," _
& "76A037B,96D00D3,4AB0B83,4AD00DB,A4D00D0,D0B1680,D2500D7,D5200CC,DD4057C,B5A00D4," _
& "56D00C9,55B027A,49B00D2,A570782,A4B00D9,AA500CE,B25157E,6D200D6,ADA00CA,4B6137B," _
& "93700D3,49F08C9,49700DB,64B00D0,68A1680,EA500D7,6AA00CC,A6C147C,AAE00D4,92E00CA," _
& "D2E0379,C9600D1,D550781,D4A00D9,DA400CD,5D5057E,56A00D6,A6C00CB,55D047B,52D00D3," _
& "A9B0883,A9500DB,B4A00CF,B6A067F,AD500D7,55A00CD,ABA047C,A5A00D4,52B00CA,B27037A," _
& "69300D1,7330781,6AA00D9,AD500CE,4B5157E,4B600D6,A5700CB,54E047C,D1600D2,E960882," _
& "D5200DA,DAA00CF,6AA167F,56D00D7,4AE00CD,A9D047D,A2D00D4,D1500C9,F250279,D5200D1" Private Const ylMd0 = "初一初二初三初四初五初六初七初八初九初十十一十二十三十四十五" _
& "十六十七十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九三十 " Private Const ylMn0 = "正二三四五六七八九十冬腊"
Private Const ylTianGan0 = "甲乙丙丁戊已庚辛壬癸"
Private Const ylDiZhi0 = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥"
Private Const ylShu0 = "鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪" '公历日期转农历
Function GetYLDate(ByVal strDate As String) As String On Error GoTo aErr If Not IsDate(strDate) Then Exit Function Dim setDate As Date, tYear As Integer, tMonth As Integer, tDay As Integer
setDate = CDate(strDate)
tYear = Year(setDate): tMonth = Month(setDate): tDay = Day(setDate) '如果不是有效有日期,退出
If tYear > 2100 Or tYear < 1900 Then Exit Function Dim daList() As String * 18, conDate As Date, thisMonths As String
Dim AddYear As Integer, AddMonth As Integer, AddDay As Integer, getDay As Integer
Dim YLyear As String, YLShuXing As String
Dim dd0 As String, mm0 As String, ganzhi(0 To 59) As String * 2
Dim RunYue As Boolean, RunYue1 As Integer, mDays As Integer, i As Integer '加载2年内的农历数据
ReDim daList(tYear - 1 To tYear)
daList(tYear - 1) = H2B(Mid(ylData, (tYear - 1900) * 8 + 1, 7))
daList(tYear) = H2B(Mid(ylData, (tYear - 1900 + 1) * 8 + 1, 7)) AddYear = tYear initYL: AddMonth = CInt(Mid(daList(AddYear), 15, 2))
AddDay = CInt(Mid(daList(AddYear), 17, 2))
conDate = DateSerial(AddYear, AddMonth, AddDay) '农历新年日期 getDay = DateDiff("d", conDate, setDate) + 1 '相差天数
If getDay < 1 Then AddYear = AddYear - 1: GoTo initYL thisMonths = Left(daList(AddYear), 14)
RunYue1 = Val("&H" & Right(thisMonths, 1)) '闰月月份
If RunYue1 > 0 Then '有闰月
thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, RunYue1) & Mid(thisMonths, 13, 1) & Mid(thisMonths, RunYue1 + 1)
End If
thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, 13) For i = 1 To 13 '计算天数
mDays = 29 + CInt(Mid(thisMonths, i, 1))
If getDay > mDays Then
getDay = getDay - mDays
If RunYue1 > 0 Then
If i = RunYue1 + 1 Then RunYue = True
If i > RunYue1 Then i = i - 1
End If AddMonth = i
AddDay = getDay
Exit For
End If
Next dd0 = Mid(ylMd0, (AddDay - 1) * 2 + 1, 2)
mm0 = Mid(ylMn0, AddMonth, 1) + "月" For i = 0 To 59
ganzhi(i) = Mid(ylTianGan0, (i Mod 10) + 1, 1) + Mid(ylDiZhi0, (i Mod 12) + 1, 1)
Next i YLyear = ganzhi((AddYear - 4) Mod 60)
YLShuXing = Mid(ylShu0, ((AddYear - 4) Mod 12) + 1, 1)
If RunYue Then mm0 = "闰" & mm0 GetYLDate = "农历" & YLyear & "(" & YLShuXing & ")年" & mm0 & dd0 aErr: End Function '农历转公历日期
'secondMonth 为真,则天示当 tMonth 是闰月时,取第二个月
Function GetDate(ByVal tYear As Integer, tMonth As Integer, tDay As Integer, Optional secondMonth As Boolean = False) As String On Error GoTo aErr If tYear > 2100 Or tYear < 1899 Or tMonth > 12 Or tMonth < 1 Or tDay > 30 Or tDay < 1 Then Exit Function Dim thisMonths As String, ylNewYear As Date, toMonth As Integer
Dim mDays As Integer, RunYue1 As Integer, i As Integer
thisMonths = H2B(Mid(ylData, (tYear - 1899) * 8 + 1, 7)) If tDay > 29 + CInt(Mid(thisMonths, tMonth, 1)) Then Exit Function ylNewYear = DateSerial(tYear, CInt(Mid(thisMonths, 15, 2)), CInt(Mid(thisMonths, 17, 2))) '农历新年日期 thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, 14)
RunYue1 = Val("&H" & Right(thisMonths, 1)) '闰月月份 toMonth = tMonth - 1
If RunYue1 > 0 Then '有闰月
thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, RunYue1) & Mid(thisMonths, 13, 1) & Mid(thisMonths, RunYue1 + 1)
If tMonth > RunYue1 Or (secondMonth And tMonth = RunYue1) Then toMonth = tMonth
End If
thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, 13) mDays = 0
For i = 1 To toMonth
mDays = mDays + 29 + CInt(Mid(thisMonths, i, 1))
mDays = mDays + tDay GetDate = ylNewYear + mDays - 1 aErr: End Function '将压缩的阴历字符还原
Private Function H2B(ByVal strHex As String) As String
Dim i As Integer, i1 As Integer, tmpV As String
Const hStr = "0123456789ABCDEF"
Const bStr = "0000000100100011010001010110011110001001101010111100110111101111" tmpV = UCase(Left(strHex, 3)) '十六进制转二进制
For i = 1 To Len(tmpV)
i1 = InStr(hStr, Mid(tmpV, i, 1))
H2B = H2B & Mid(bStr, (i1 - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)
Next H2B = H2B & Mid(strHex, 4, 2) '十六进制转十进制
H2B = H2B & "0" & CStr(Val("&H" & Right(strHex, 2)))
End Function

 到excel 表 公式使用 



      计算出农历出生    农历乙丑(牛)年腊月初五   =MID("农历乙丑(牛)年腊月初五",6,1)提取 属相



数据表!$M3  出生 日期  1968-10-25  依据日期算星座
=IF(数据表!$M3=0,"",LOOKUP(--TEXT(数据表!$M3,"m.dd"),{0,"魔羯座 Capricorn";1.2,"水瓶座 Aquarius";2.19,"雙魚座 Pisces";3.21,"牡羊座 Aries";4.2,"金牛座 Taurus";5.21,"雙子座 Gemini";6.22,"巨蟹座 Cancer";7.23,"獅子座 Leo";8.23,"處女座 Virgo";9.23,"天秤座 Libra";10.24,"天蠍座 Scorpio";11.23,"射手座 Sagittarius";12.22,"魔羯座 Capricorn"}))


得到星期几公式     =CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(NOW(),2),"星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六","星期日")

wps 直接插入公式的代码

Application.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells.Item(2, 3).Formula = "=AVERAGE(B1,C4)"

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