
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define T int t_;Read(t_);while(t_--)
#define dight(chr) (chr>='0'&&chr<='9')
#define alpha(chr) (chr>='a'&&chr<='z')
#define INF (0x3f3f3f3f)
#define maxn (300005)
#define maxm (10005)
#define mod 1000000007
#define ull unsigned long long
#define repne(x,y,i) for(i=(x);i<(y);++i)
#define repe(x,y,i) for(i=(x);i<=(y);++i)
#define repde(x,y,i) for(i=(x);i>=(y);--i)
#define repdne(x,y,i) for(i=(x);i>(y);--i)
#define ri register int
inline void Read(int &n){char chr=getchar(),sign=;for(;!dight(chr);chr=getchar())if(chr=='-')sign=-;
inline void Read(ll &n){char chr=getchar(),sign=;for(;!dight(chr);chr=getchar())if
ll g[],sx[],sy[],ex[],ey[];
set<pair<ll,ll> >se[];
ll gcd(ll x,ll y){
return (y==)?x:gcd(y,x%y);
int main()
int n;
ri i,j,k;
repe(,n,i) Read(sx[i]),Read(sy[i]),Read(ex[i]),Read(ey[i]),g[i] = gcd(abs(ex[i]-sx[i]),abs(sy[i]-ey[i]));
ll ans = ;
repe(,n,i) ans = ans + g[i] + ;
//sx[i] + s*(ex[i]-sx[i])/g[i] = sx[j] + t*(ex[j]-sx[j])/g[j]
//sy[i] + s*(ey[i]-sy[i])/g[i] = sy[j] + t*(ey[j]-sy[j])/g[j]
ll a = (ex[i] - sx[i])/g[i],b = (ey[i] - sy[i])/g[i];
ll lm = a / gcd(abs(a),abs(b)) * b;
ll c = (ex[j]-sx[j])/g[j],d = (ey[j]-sy[j])/g[j];
if(a == ){
if(c != ){
if((sx[i] - sx[j]) % c == ){
ll t = (sx[i] - sx[j]) / c,x = sx[j] + t * c,y = sy[j] + t * d;
if((x - sx[i])*(ex[i]-sx[i]) >= && abs(x-sx[i])<=abs(ex[i]-sx[i]) && (x - sx[j])*(ex[j]-sx[j]) >= && abs(x-sx[j])<=abs(ex[j]-sx[j]) && (y - sy[i])*(ey[i]-sy[i]) >= && abs(y-sy[i])<=abs(ey[i]-sy[i]) && (y - sy[j])*(ey[j]-sy[j]) >= && abs(y-sy[j])<=abs(ey[j]-sy[j])){ se[i].insert(make_pair(x,y));
// --ans;
if(b == ){
if(d != ){
if((sy[i] - sy[j]) % d == ){
ll t = (sy[i] - sy[j]) / d,x = sx[j] + t * c,y = sy[j] + t * d;
if((x - sx[i])*(ex[i]-sx[i]) >= && abs(x-sx[i])<=abs(ex[i]-sx[i]) && (x - sx[j])*(ex[j]-sx[j]) >= && abs(x-sx[j])<=abs(ex[j]-sx[j]) && (y - sy[i])*(ey[i]-sy[i]) >= && abs(y-sy[i])<=abs(ey[i]-sy[i]) && (y - sy[j])*(ey[j]-sy[j]) >= && abs(y-sy[j])<=abs(ey[j]-sy[j])){ se[i].insert(make_pair(x,y));
// --ans;
if(c * lm / a == d * lm / b) continue;
ll tc = c,td = d;
c *= lm / a,d *= lm/b;
if(c - d == ) continue;
if(((sx[i]-sx[j])*lm/a - (sy[i]-sy[j])*lm/b) % (c-d) != ) continue;
else{ ll t = ((sx[i]-sx[j])*lm/a - (sy[i]-sy[j])*lm/b) / (c-d),c = tc,d = td,x = sx[j] + t * c,y = sy[j] + t * d;
if((x - sx[i])*(ex[i]-sx[i]) >= && abs(x-sx[i])<=abs(ex[i]-sx[i]) && (x - sx[j])*(ex[j]-sx[j]) >= && abs(x-sx[j])<=abs(ex[j]-sx[j]) && (y - sy[i])*(ey[i]-sy[i]) >= && abs(y-sy[i])<=abs(ey[i]-sy[i]) && (y - sy[j])*(ey[j]-sy[j]) >= && abs(y-sy[j])<=abs(ey[j]-sy[j])){ se[i].insert(make_pair(x,y));
for(int i = ;i <= n;++i) ans -= (int)se[i].size();
cout << ans << endl;
return ;

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