
6132 njczy2010 1412 Accepted 5572 MS 50620 KB C++ 1844 B 2014-10-02 21:41:15

J - 2-3 Trees

Time Limit: 12000/6000MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 128000/64000KB (Java/Others)

Problem Description

2-3 tree is an elegant data structure invented by John Hopcroft. It is designed to implement the same functionality as the binary search tree. 2-3 tree is an ordered rooted tree with the following properties:

  • the root and each internal vertex have either 2 or 3 children;
  • the distance from the root to any leaf of the tree is the same.

The only exception is the tree that contains exactly one vertex — in this case the root of the tree is the only vertex, and it is simultaneously a leaf, i.e. has no children. The main idea of the described properties is that the tree with l leaves has the height O(log l).       Given the number of leaves l there can be several valid 2-3 trees that have l leaves. For example, the picture below shows the two possible 2-3 trees with exactly 6 leaves.

Given l find the number of different 2-3 trees that have l leaves. Since this number can be quite large, output it modulo r.


      Input file contains two integer numbers: l and r (1 ≤ l ≤ 5 000, 1 ≤ r ≤ 109).


      Output one number — the number of different 2-3 trees with exactly l leaves modulo r.

Sample Input

6 1000000000
7 1000000000

Sample Output



J题:问你一棵有l个叶子的2-3叉树有多少种拓扑结构,结果对r取余。。。 2-3叉树的定义为所有非叶子节点要么有2个儿子,要么有3个儿子,并且所有叶子到根的距离相等。。。 (关于那个O(logn)。。。其实这句话完全是废话,貌似好多人被这句废话给坑到了。。大O只是一个标记,表示渐进的意思,就是说这种树的高度和叶子数n成渐进对数关系)

于是就转移到了上一层的情况,一层一层记忆化上去,或者递推下来= =。。反正是单组数据~~~

注意用 lld。。。

//#include<pair> #define N 5005
#define M 15
#define mod 10000007
//#define p 10000007
#define mod2 100000000
#define ll long long
#define LL long long
#define maxi(a,b) (a)>(b)? (a) : (b)
#define mini(a,b) (a)<(b)? (a) : (b) using namespace std; ll l,r;
ll dp[N];
ll C[N/][N/]; void ini()
// memset(C,0,sizeof(C));
int i,j;
for(i=; i<=l/; ++i)
C[i][] = ;
C[i][i] = ;
for(j=; j<=l/; ++j){
C[i][j] = (C[i-][j] + C[i-][j-]) % r;
} }
} void solve()
ll i;
ll num;
ll st;
} void out()
//for(int i=1;i<=l;i++) printf(" i=%d dp=%d\n",i,dp[i]);
} int main()
// freopen("data.in","r",stdin);
// for(int ccnt=1;ccnt<=T;ccnt++)
// while(T--)
//if(n==0 && m==0 ) break;
//printf("Case %d: ",ccnt);
} return ;

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