android:layout_gravity 和 android:gravity 的区别(转载)
gravity 这个英文单词是重心的意思,在这里就表示停靠位置的意思。
android:layout_gravity 和 android:gravity 的区别
比如说button: android:layout_gravity 表示按钮在界面上的位置。 android:gravity表示button上的字在button上的位置。
Value | Description |
top | Put the object at the top of its container, not changing its size. 将对象放在其容器的顶部,不改变其大小. |
bottom | Put the object at the bottom of its container, not changing its size. 将对象放在其容器的底部,不改变其大小. |
left | Put the object at the left edge of its container, not changing its size. 将对象放在其容器的左侧,不改变其大小. |
right | Put the object at the right edge of its container, not changing its size. 将对象放在其容器的右侧,不改变其大小. |
center_vertical | Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size. 将对象纵向居中,不改变其大小. 垂直对齐方式:垂直方向上居中对齐。 |
fill_vertical | Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. 必要的时候增加对象的纵向大小,以完全充满其容器. 垂直方向填充 |
center_horizontal | Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size. 将对象横向居中,不改变其大小. 水平对齐方式:水平方向上居中对齐 |
fill_horizontal | Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. 必要的时候增加对象的横向大小,以完全充满其容器. 水平方向填充 |
center | Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size. 将对象横纵居中,不改变其大小. |
fill | Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. This is the default. 必要的时候增加对象的横纵向大小,以完全充满其容器. |
clip_vertical | Additional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of the child clipped to its container's bounds. The clip is based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity clips the bottom edge, a bottom gravity clips the top edge, and neither clips both edges. 附加选项,用于按照容器的边来剪切对象的顶部和/或底部的内容. 剪切基于其纵向对齐设置:顶部对齐时,剪切底部;底部对齐时剪切顶部;除此之外剪切顶部和底部. 垂直方向裁剪 |
clip_horizontal | Additional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of the child clipped to its container's bounds. The clip is based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity clips the right edge, a right gravity clips the left edge, and neither clips both edges. 附加选项,用于按照容器的边来剪切对象的左侧和/或右侧的内容. 剪切基于其横向对齐设置:左侧对齐时,剪切右侧;右侧对齐时剪切左侧;除此之外剪切左侧和右侧. 水平方向裁剪 |
简单记忆 : horizontal 都是操作的水平方向,即横向, vertical 都是炒作的垂直方向,即纵向。
对于 LinearLayout
当 android:orientation="vertical" 时, 只有水平方向的设置才起作用,垂直方向的设置不起作用。即:left,right,center_horizontal 是生效的。
当 android:orientation="horizontal" 时, 只有垂直方向的设置才起作用,水平方向的设置不起作用。即:top,bottom,center_vertical 是生效的。
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