

 %% Logistic Regression
close all
clear %%load data
x = load('ex4x.dat');
y = load('ex4y.dat'); [m, n] = size(x); % Add intercept term to x
x = [ones(m, ), x]; %%draw picture
% find returns the indices of the
% rows meeting the specified condition
pos = find(y == );
neg = find(y == );
% Assume the features are in the 2nd and 3rd
% columns of x
figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'GD');
plot(x(pos, ), x(pos,), '+');
hold on;
plot(x(neg, ), x(neg, ), 'o'); % Define the sigmoid function
g = inline('1 ./ (1 + exp(-z))'); alpha = 0.001;
theta = [-,,]';
obj_old = 1e10;
tor = 1e-; tic %%Gradient Descent
for time = :
delta = zeros(,);
objective = ; for i = :
z = x(i,:) * theta;
h = g(z);%转换成logistic函数
delta = (/m) .* x(i,:)' * (y(i)-h) + delta;
objective = (/m) .*( -y(i) * log(h) - (-y(i)) * log(-h)) + objective;
theta = theta + alpha * delta; fprintf('objective is %.4f\n', objective);
if abs(obj_old - objective) < tor
fprintf('torlerance is samller than %.4f\n', tor);
obj_old = objective;
end %%Calculate the decision boundary line
plot_x = [min(x(:,)), max(x(:,))];
plot_y = (-./theta()).*(theta().*plot_x +theta());
plot(plot_x, plot_y)
legend('Admitted', 'Not admitted', 'Decision Boundary')
hold off
%%SGD figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'SGD');
plot(x(pos, ), x(pos,), '+');
hold on;
plot(x(neg, ), x(neg, ), 'o'); alpha = 0.001;
theta = [-,,]';
obj_old = 1e10;
tor = 1e-;
U=ceil(m/k); for time = :
delta = zeros(,);
objective = ; subidx=idx(:k);
for i=:length(subidx)
z = x(subidx(i),:) * theta;
h = g(z);%转换成logistic函数
delta = (/k) .* x(subidx(i),:)' * (y(subidx(i))-h) + delta;
objective = (/k) .*( -y(subidx(i)) * log(h) - (-y(subidx(i))) * log(-h)) + objective;
theta = theta + alpha * delta; fprintf('objective is %.4f\n', objective);
if abs(obj_old - objective) < tor
fprintf('torlerance is samller than %.4f\n', tor);
obj_old = objective;
end %%Calculate the decision boundary line
plot_x = [min(x(:,)), max(x(:,))];
plot_y = (-./theta()).*(theta().*plot_x +theta());
plot(plot_x, plot_y)
legend('Admitted', 'Not admitted', 'Decision Boundary')
hold off
pause() %%Newton's method figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Newton');
plot(x(pos, ), x(pos,), '+');
hold on;
plot(x(neg, ), x(neg, ), 'o'); alpha = 0.001;
theta = zeros(, );
obj_old = 1e10;
tor = 1e-; for i = :
delta = zeros(,);
delta_H = zeros(,);
objective = ;
% Calculate the hypothesis function
for i = :
z = x(i,:) * theta;
h = g(z);%转换成logistic函数
delta = (/m) .* x(i,:)' * (h-y(i)) + delta;
delta_H = (/m).* x(i,:)' * h * (1-h) * x(i,:) + delta_H;
objective = (/m) .*( -y(i) * log(h) - (-y(i)) * log(-h)) + objective;
theta = theta - delta_H\delta;
fprintf('objective is %.4f\n', objective);
if abs(obj_old - objective) < tor
fprintf('torlerance is samller than %.4f\n', tor);
obj_old = objective;
end %%Calculate the decision boundary line
plot_x = [min(x(:,)), max(x(:,))];
plot_y = (-./theta()).*(theta().*plot_x +theta());
plot(plot_x, plot_y)
legend('Admitted', 'Not admitted', 'Decision Boundary')
hold off
 %% Softmax Regression
close all
clear %%load data
load('my_ex4y.mat'); [m, n] = size(x); % Add intercept term to x
x = [ones(m, ), x];
y = y + ; class_num = max(y);
n = n + ; %%draw picture
% find returns the indices of the
% rows meeting the specified condition
class2 = find(y == );
class1 = find(y == );
class3 = find(y == );
% Assume the features are in the 2nd and 3rd
% columns of x
figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'GD');
plot(x(class2, ), x(class2,), '+');
hold on;
plot(x(class1, ), x(class1, ), 'o');
hold on;
plot(x(class3, ), x(class3, ), '*');
hold on; % Define the sigmoid function
g = inline('exp(z) ./ sumz','z','sumz'); alpha = 0.0001;
theta = [-,0.15,0.14;-,,-]';
obj_old = 1e10;
tor = 1e-; %%Gradient Descent
for time = :
delta = zeros(,);
objective = ; for i = :
for j = :
z = x(i,:) * theta(:,j);
sumz = exp(x(i,:) * theta(:,)) + exp(x(i,:) * theta(:,)) + ;
h = g(z,sumz);%转换成logistic函数
if y(i)==j
delta = (/m) .* x(i,:)' * (1-h);
theta(:,j) = theta(:,j) + alpha * delta;
objective = (/m) .*(-y(i) * log(h)) + objective;
delta = (/m) .* x(i,:)' * (-h);
theta(:,j) = theta(:,j) + alpha * delta;
objective = (/m) .*(-(-y(i)) * log(-h)) + objective;
end fprintf('objective is %.4f\n', objective);
if abs(obj_old - objective) < tor
fprintf('torlerance is samller than %.4f\n', tor);
obj_old = objective;
end %%Calculate the decision boundary line
plot_x = [min(x(:,)), max(x(:,))];
plot_y = (-./theta(,)).*(theta(,).*plot_x +theta(,));
plot(plot_x, plot_y)
legend('Admitted', 'Not admitted', 'Decision Boundary')
hold on plot_y = (-./theta(,)).*(theta(,).*plot_x +theta(,));
plot(plot_x, plot_y)
legend('Admitted', 'Not admitted', 'Decision Boundary')
hold off

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