V-Play 文档翻译 Page



VPlayApps 1.0

Inherits: MouseArea

Inherited By: ListPage


  • Item : NavigationStack

  • backNavigationEnabled : bool

  • backgroundColor : color

  • canNavigateBack : bool

  • leftBarItem : Item

  • navigationBarHidden : bool

  • navigationBarTranslucency : real

  • navigationStack : NavigationStack

  • rightBarItem : Item

  • tabBarHidden : bool

  • title : string

  • titleItem : Item


The Page type provides a container for the contents of a single page within an application.



Item : NavigationStack read-only

The nearest parent item in the QML hierarchy that is a NavigationStack item. (read-only)

在 QML 层次中最亲近的父级项 NavigationStack

If the current item or one of its parent items is a child of a NavigationStack item, this property contains the owning NavigationStack item. This property is null if the Page is not embedded inside a NavigationStack item.

假设当前项的直接父级项是 NavigationStack 的孩子,则这个属性会自己主动包括 NavigationStack。假设这个属性为 null。则 Page 不在 NavigationStack 中。

backNavigationEnabled : bool

Set this property to false to disable the back navigation within a page in a NavigationStack if previous pages exist on the stack.

设置为 false,则不予显示回退按钮。

Disabling the back navigation hides the “back” button within a NavigationBar, deactivates the iOS back swipe gesture and also disables the hardware back button on Android and Windows Phone.

隐藏位于 NavigationBar 上的回退按钮,意味着 iOS 上滑动回退以及安卓和 WP 上硬件返回键无效。

The default value is false, if the current page is the first one inside a NavigationStack, true otherwise.

假设当前页面为 NavigationStack 的第一个页面,默认值为 false

backgroundColor : color

The background color of the Page which is displayed if no other items are placed within the page.

Page 的背景色,假设没有被其它项所替代,就会显示此颜色。

The default value is defined in the Theme::backgroundColor property and can be overridden.

默认值是 Theme::backgroundColor,可又一次定义。

canNavigateBack : bool read-only

Readonly property holds whether it is possible to actually navigate back within the current stack. The property is true if a previous page exists on the stack, otherwise false.


This QML property was introduced in V-Play 2.7.0.

leftBarItem : Item

A custom navigation bar item displayed on the left of the navigation bar if the item is on top of a NavigationStack as a direct child of it.

假设 PageNavigationStack 的直接孩子。则显示自己定义导航栏左边控件。

By default this item displays a back navigation item if the current NavigationStack can navigate back. If setting the item to an explicit NavigationBarItem it replaces the back button with the custom item.

假设当前 NavigationStack 能够回退至上一页,则默认显示一个回退按钮。假设直接使用 NavigationBarItem 来替代的话。会显示定制的控件。

navigationBarHidden : bool

A boolean value indicating whether the navigation bar should be hidden for that specific Page if the item is presented within a NavigationStack item.

You can set this property to false to implement a custom styled full-screen page within a NavigationStack without the default navigation bar behavior (make sure to implement a custom back navigation action in that case).

By default this property is false, meaning that the navigation bar is visible for that Page.


navigationBarTranslucency : real

Set this value to make the navigation bar translucent for that specific Page within a NavigationStack.

The allowed value range is 0.0 to 1.0. The default value is 0.0, meaning that the navigation bar is not translucent (fully opaque).

注意这里的是系统的状态栏做文章。具体就是一个应用以全屏方式显示。可是状态栏没有被应用覆盖,而且自身保持一定的透明度,以显示下层的应用画面。这里是调整系统状态栏的透明度的。默认值为 0.0。不透明。


If using a translucent navigation bar, the page content will move beneath the navigation bar and you should add that extra spacing for your pages on your own (you can get the current height from ThemeNavigationBar::height).

假设使用了沉浸式导航栏(系统状态栏沉浸,与应用融为一体),须要使用 ThemeNavigationBar::height 修复 Page 的高度。

navigationStack : NavigationStack read-only

The nearest parent item in the QML hierarchy that is a NavigationStack item. (read-only)

在 QML 层次中最亲近的父级项 NavigationStack

If the current item or one of its parent items is a child of a NavigationStack item, this property contains the owning NavigationStack item. This property is null if the Page is not embedded inside a NavigationStack item.

假设当前项的直接父级项是 NavigationStack 的孩子,则这个属性会自己主动包括 NavigationStack

假设这个属性为 null。则 Page 不在 NavigationStack 中。

rightBarItem : Item

A custom navigation bar item displayed on the right of the navigation bar if the item is on top of a NavigationStack as a direct child of it.

假设 PageNavigationStack 的直接孩子,则显示自己定义导航栏右边控件。

By default this item is empty.


tabBarHidden : bool

A boolean value indicating whether a tab bar should be hidden for that specific Page if the item is presented within a Navigation item showing tabs.

By default this property is false, meaning that the tab bar is visible for that Page.


title : string

A localized, human-readable string that represents the the content of this page.

The title is used as string in a navigation bar if the Page item is a child of a NavigationStack.

显示本页面的标题,假设当前 PageNavigationStack 的直接孩子。就显示在导航栏上。

titleItem : Item

A custom navigation bar item displayed at the title slot of the navigation bar if the item is on top of a NavigationStack as a direct child of it.

By default, the title of the page is displayed.

This QML property was introduced in V-Play 2.6.2.


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