在Google Play Console.

(Google Play App Signing )签署您的应用


会有个“ Google Play App Signing” 的东西,提示使用。


当您准备发布应用时,使用上传密钥签署您的应用并将它上传到 Google Play。然后,Google 使用上传证书验证您的身份,并使用您的应用签名密钥重新签署 APK 以进行分发。


(Google Play App Signing) 管理应用签名密钥

重要提示:选择加入 App Signing 是永久性操作

Google Play App Signing 是一个自愿加入的计划。如果您愿意,也可以选择继续自行管理密钥。

一旦在 Google Play App Signing 中注册了应用,您就无法撤消了。为了确保应用签名密钥的安全,我们不能从安全服务器上移除密钥。

所以想自己管理自己的密钥,就要选择退出 “App Signing”。

  1. "CREATE APPLICATION" having the same name which you want to upload before.
  2. Click create.
  3. After creation of the app now click on the "App releases"
  4. Click on the "MANAGE PRODUCTION"
  5. Click on the "CREATE RELEASE"
  6. Here you see "Google Play App Signing" dialog.
  7. Just click on the "OPT-OUT" button.
  8. It will ask you to confirm it. Just click on the "confirm" button.

You are ready to Drop your APK file with your signing key.

这样就能上传我们自己的包,而Google Play 不做处理。


請注意,系統不支援刪除應用程式或重複使用套件名稱。凡是在 Google Play 發佈的應用程式,使用者都可以無限次地重新安裝。




1.  选择应用

2. 选择 “Store presence”

3. 选择 “Pricing & distribution”

4. 在 “Countries” 栏目中,“Manage Countries”,管理发布范围。

Publishing status

Near the top of individual apps’ pages on your Developer Console, you can see your app’s latest publishing status. Whether you’re publishing an app for the first time or making an update, you can use your publishing status to understand your app’s availability on Google Play.

Here are the different statuses that can be displayed for your app:

    • Draft: App hasn’t been published on Google Play.

      • Note: If the Publish app option isn’t available, click Why can’t I publish? for more information or check your app’s pages on the left menu to make sure you’ve included all required information for your app.
  • Pending publication: App is currently being processed for publishing.
  • Published: App is published and available on Google Play.
  • Rejected: App has been rejected and wasn’t published due to a violation of Google Play policies. More information about the violation is available near the top of your app’s pages on the Developer Console. Once you make a change to your app to address the violation, you can submit it again.
  • Suspended: App is suspended due to a violation of Google Play Policies (Content PolicyDeveloper Distribution Agreement). An email with details about the suspension is sent to the account owner.

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