
Line::SetLine(double, double, double, double)方法:设置Line对象起点的x,y坐标(第一个和第二参数)和终点的x,y坐标(第三个和第四个坐标),并返回本对象
Line::SetLine(const Point &, const Point &)方法:设置Line对象的起点(第一个参数)和终点(第二个坐标),并返回本对象
Line::SetLine(const Line&)方法:设置Line对象,复制参数的坐标,并返回本对象





Sample Input

4 0,0 1,1 1,1 2,3 2,3 4,5 0,1 1,0

Sample Output

Point : (1, -2) is created. Point : (2, -1) is created. Point : (0, 0) is created. Point : (0, 0) Point : (0, 0) is created. Point : (0, 0) is created. Line : (0, 0) to (0, 0) is created. Point : (0, 0) is created. Point : (0, 0) is created. Line : (0, 0) to (0, 0) is created. Point : (0, 0) is created. Point : (0, 0) is created. Line : (0, 0) to (0, 0) is created. Point : (0, 0) is created. Point : (0, 0) is created. Line : (0, 0) to (0, 0) is created. Line : (0, 0) to (1, 1) Line : (1, 1) to (2, 3) Line : (2, 3) to (4, 5) Line : (0, 1) to (1, 0) Point : (1, -2) is copied. Point : (2, -1) is copied. Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) is created. Point : (1, -2) is copied. Point : (0, 0) is copied. Line : (1, -2) to (0, 0) is created. Point : (2, -1) is copied. Point : (0, 0) is copied. Line : (2, -1) to (0, 0) is created. Point : (1, -2) is copied. Point : (2, -1) is copied. Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) is copied. Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) Line : (2, -1) to (0, 0) Line : (0, 0) to (2, -1) Line : (0, 0) to (2, -1) is erased. Point : (2, -1) is erased. Point : (0, 0) is erased. Line : (2, -1) to (0, 0) is erased. Point : (0, 0) is erased. Point : (2, -1) is erased. Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) is erased. Point : (2, -1) is erased. Point : (1, -2) is erased. Line : (1, -2) to (2, -1) is erased. Point : (2, -1) is erased. Point : (1, -2) is erased. Line : (0, 1) to (1, 0) is erased. Point : (1, 0) is erased. Point : (0, 1) is erased. Line : (2, 3) to (4, 5) is erased. Point : (4, 5) is erased. Point : (2, 3) is erased. Line : (1, 1) to (2, 3) is erased. Point : (2, 3) is erased. Point : (1, 1) is erased. Line : (0, 0) to (1, 1) is erased. Point : (1, 1) is erased. Point : (0, 0) is erased. Point : (0, 0) is erased. Point : (2, -1) is erased. Point : (1, -2) is erased.


Append Code

int main()
    int num, i;
    Point p(1, -2), q(2, -1), t;;
    Line line[num];
    for(i = 0; i < num; i++)
    Line l1(p, q), l2(p,t), l3(q,t), l4(l1);;
using namespace std;
class Point{
        friend class Line;
    double x,y;
    Point(double a=0,double b=0):x(a),y(b){cout<<"Point : ("<<x<<", "<<y<<") is created."<<endl;}
    Point(const Point&p){x=p.x;y=p.y;cout<<"Point : ("<<x<<", "<<y<<") is copied."<<endl;}
    ~Point(){cout<<"Point : ("<<x<<", "<<y<<") is erased."<<endl;}
    void show(){cout<<"Point : ("<<x<<", "<<y<<")"<<endl;}
class Line{
        friend class Point;
    Point p1,p2;
    Line(Point &p,Point &q):p1(p),p2(q){cout<<"Line : ("<<p1.x<<", "<<p1.y<<") to ("<<p2.x<<", "<<p2.y<<") is created."<<endl;}
    Line(double x1=0,double y1=0,double x2=0,double y2=0):p1(x1,y1),p2(x2,y2){cout<<"Line : ("<<p1.x<<", "<<p1.y<<") to ("<<p2.x<<", "<<p2.y<<") is created."<<endl;}
     Line(const Line&l):p1(l.p1),p2(l.p2){cout<<"Line : ("<<p1.x<<", "<<p1.y<<") to ("<<p2.x<<", "<<p2.y<<") is copied."<<endl;}
    ~Line(){cout<<"Line : ("<<p1.x<<", "<<p1.y<<") to ("<<p2.x<<", "<<p2.y<<") is erased."<<endl;}
    Line& setLine(double a,double b,double c,double d){p1.x=a;p1.y=b;p2.x=c;p2.y=d;return *this;}
    Line& setLine(const Point &p, const Point &q){p1=p;p2=q;return *this;}
    Line& setLine(const Line& l){*this=l;return *this;}
    void show(){cout<<"Line : ("<<p1.x<<", "<<p1.y<<") to ("<<p2.x<<", "<<p2.y<<")"<<endl;}
    void readLine(){char c;cin>>p1.x>>c>>p1.y>>p2.x>>c>>p2.y;}
int main()
    int num, i;
    Point p(1, -2), q(2, -1), t;;
    Line line[num];
    for(i = 0; i < num; i++)
    Line l1(p, q), l2(p,t), l3(q,t), l4(l1);;

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