EHDU-1039 asier Done Than Said?
FnordCom is developing such a password generator. You work in the quality control department, and it's your job to test the generator and make sure that the passwords are acceptable. To be acceptable, a password must satisfy these three rules:
It must contain at least one vowel.
It cannot contain three consecutive vowels or three consecutive consonants.
It cannot contain two consecutive occurrences of the same letter, except for 'ee' or 'oo'.
(For the purposes of this problem, the vowels are 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u'; all other letters are consonants.) Note that these rules are not perfect; there are many common/pronounceable words that are not acceptable.
InputThe input consists of one or more potential passwords, one per line, followed by a line containing only the word 'end' that signals the end of the file. Each password is at least one and at most twenty letters long and consists only of lowercase letters.
OutputFor each password, output whether or not it is acceptable, using the precise format shown in the example.
Sample Input
Sample Output
<a> is acceptable.
<tv> is not acceptable.
<ptoui> is not acceptable.
<bontres> is not acceptable.
<zoggax> is not acceptable.
<wiinq> is not acceptable.
<eep> is acceptable.
<houctuh> is acceptable. 思路:
using namespace std;
#define N 1000001
char s[N];
int main()
while(scanf("%s",s),strcmp(s,"end")){ //end 结束
int len=strlen(s),a=0,b=0; // a 表示连续的元音, b 表示连续的辅音
int x = 0,y = 0; //y 表示是否出现过元音,x 表示是否有不符合条件2、3的情况
for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
if(s[i]=='a' || s[i]=='e' || s[i]=='i' || s[i]=='o' ||s[i]=='u'){
y = 1;
if(a==3 || b==3){
x = 1;
if(i!=0 && s[i]!='e'&&s[i]!='o' && s[i]==s[i-1]){
x = 1;
if(x || !y){
printf("<%s> is not acceptable.\n",s);
printf("<%s> is acceptable.\n",s);
return 0;
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