Cardiff School of Computer Science and Informa5cs
Coursework Assessment Pro-forma
Module Code: CMT302
Module Title: E-Commerce & Innova5on
Assessment Title: Coursework 2
Assessment Number: 2
Date Set: 22nd February 2019
Submission Date and Time: by 9:30 am on Wednesday, 8th May 2019
Return Date: 7th June 2019
This assignment is worth 50 % of the total marks available for this module. The penalty for
late or non-submission is an award of zero marks.
Your submission must include the official Coursework Submission Cover sheet, which can be
found here:
Submission Instruc5ons
The following files need to be submiUed via Learning Central:
Do not upload your website files to Learning Central!
Do not submit your cover sheet and your report in a zip file! Submit them as two
separate PDF files, as instructed above.
Any devia5on from the submission instruc5ons above (including the number and types of
files submiUed) may result in a mark of zero for the assessment or ques5on part.
Description Type Name
Compulsory One PDF (.pdf)
student number*.pdf
(*replace 'student number' with
your student number)
Report Compulsory One PDF (.pdf)
student number*_report.pdf
(*replace 'student number' with
your student number)
CMT302 - Coursework 2
For this coursework, you are asked to complete the following tasks:
1. Develop a functioning e-commerce website suitable for the chosen business/enterprise.
2. Write a 1000 words (±10%) report, which analyses the outcomes of the work,
accomplished for Task 1 above.
1. E-commerce website:
Design and implement a functional e-commerce website for a business/ organisation.
This can be for either the business/ organisation which you presented for your coursework
last semester (you can choose to adapt your original proposal), or for a different venture.
Your e-commerce website should contain all the necessary functionality that is typical for
a venture of this kind, including customer accounts and login. Please note, however, that
although you must have provision for the payment processing facility, you are not required
to have it fully working (i.e. the actual payment does not have to go through).
You are free to choose how you want to implement your website, i.e. you can use the
tools and technologies covered this semester (e.g. Flask); other exiting e-commerce
frameworks; or develop it from 'scratch’ by deploying own coding (e.g. PHP).
You must host all parts of your website on our School's servers (e.g. 'Project' or
'OpenShift'), i.e. all web pages of your website must be on our local server and no
redirects to external websites are allowed. Therefore, "general" website builders, such
as or are not suitable for this coursework. If unsure, please
ask! Moreover, the website must be deployed on the server before the coursework's
deadline, and the URL of your website must be provided in your report.
2. Report:

Write a report that analyses the outcomes of developing an e-commerce website for a
chosen business/ organisation. Your analysis should focus on the assessment of the
suitability of the deployed website for the chosen business, but you will need to develop
this focus further, e.g. you might want to examine how such aspects as service quality,
quality of service, usability, security, etc. have been achieved, and how the
implementation decisions fulfil the business aims and objectives.
2.2.Report requirements and rules:
Your report must:
- Contain complete URL of your website, hosted on one of the School's servers. For
example, if your website is hosted on the Project web server, the url is expected to
be: (where
'YourUserName' is your university mail name).
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Please note: the website, implemented for Task 1 is not assessed, only the
report (Task 2). However, full implementation of a functioning e-commerce
website is a requirement of this coursework, and you must submit the url of
your website in your report. Failure to do this will result in an award of zero
marks for this coursework.
CMT302 - Coursework 2
- NOT exceed the specified word count limit, i.e. 1000 words ±10%. The assessor
may stop reading if any part of your submission goes over the word limit.
- Be a PDF file. Other file types will not be accepted.
- Use a reasonable font size (e.g. Times New Roman 12 pt or equivalent);
- Have 1.5 line spacing (except for your Reference section, which can use single
line spacing).
- You must include your student number. Please include it on the first/ title page, as
well as in the header or footer of each page.
Please note: to allow anonymous marking, DO NOT include your name.
If and where relevant, your report should use all of the standard scholarly mechanisms to
make reference to the ideas of others. Our School recommends using the Harvard
referencing system.
Please note that you may be penalised (e.g. your mark may be capped below 70%) for
not complying with the coursework requirements, for poor spelling or grammar, using
inconsistent referencing, or for poor presentation.
Note: This is not a group assignment and evidence of group work may be penalised.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Understand the concept of Innova5on and what this means within the context of the IT
2. Demonstrate understanding of entrepreneurial ac5vi5es, and cri5cally analyse and
appraise business opportuni5es, using a variety of quan5ta5ve and qualita5ve research
methodologies, methods and tools.
4. Appreciate risks involved in managing a high-tech enterprise, including concepts and
methodologies for informa5on risk assessment, assurance and management.
6. Understand the concepts, techniques and underpinning technologies associated with ECommerce
in the modern environment, including apprecia5on uality, quality of service, usability and suitability
for par5cular type of business.
7. Design, implement and deploy an e-commerce system, using a variety of modern
techniques and technologies; and evaluate the outcomes.
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CMT302 - Coursework 2
Criteria for assessment
Credit will be awarded against the following criteria:
- Appropriateness of the choice of focus, aspects and issues, examined in the report
(scoping and fit with the brief).
- Clarity, completness and conciseness.
- Quality of analysis and argument, and in par5cular, strength of argumenta5on,
supported by judicious use of cita5ons if and where appropriate.
- Overall quality of your report, including: report structure; aUen5on to proof-reading; and,
if appropriate, correct and consistent use of references.
- AUen5on to detail and compliance with the coursework requirements.
As a general guide:
70% or more will be awarded if all criteria are met to an excellent standard.
60-69% will be awarded if most criteria are met to a good standard.
50-59% will be awarded if most criteria are met to an acceptable standard.
49% or below will be awarded if most criteria are not met to an acceptable standard
Feedback and sugges5on for future learning
Feedback on your coursework will address the above criteria. Feedback and marks will be
returned via Learning Central by the date specified on the first page.
This coursework develops a number of core, transferable skills, and feedback from this
assignment will be useful for other modules, which aim to develop and assess report
wri5ng, cri5cal thinking, presenta5on and research skills, 5me management, and reflec5ve
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