AN11196: Camera interface design using SGPIO

LPC43xx SGPIO Camera interface design的更多相关文章

  1. LPC43xx SGPIO Experimentation

    LPC4350 SGPIO Experimentation The NXP LPC43xx microcontrollers have an interesting, programmable ser ...

  2. LPC43xx SGPIO Configuration -- Why not use GPDMA ?

    LPC43xx SGPIO Configuration The LPC43xx SGPIO peripheral is used to move samples between USB and the ...

  3. Start Developing Mac Apps -- Human Interface Design 用户界面设计

    Human Interface Design It’s not enough to create an app that works. Users expect Mac apps to be powe ...

  4. LPC43xx SGPIO I2C Implementation

    I²C SGPIO Configuration SGPIO is a hardware feature of LPC4300 series. There are 16 SGPIO pins calle ...

  5. Android Programming: Pushing the Limits -- Chapter 4: Android User Experience and Interface Design

    User Stories Android UI Design 附加资源 User Stories: @.通过写故事来设计应用. @.每个故事只关注一件事. @.不同的故事可能使用相同的组件,因此尽早地 ...

  6. LPC43xx SGPIO DMA and Interrupts

    The SGPIO output pins SGPIO14 and SGPIO15 can trigger a GPDMA request SGPIO pins SGPIO14 and SGPIO15 ...

  7. LPC43xx SGPIO Slice 示意图

    SGPIO inverted clock qualifier Hi, With bits 6:5 of SGPIO_MUX_CFG the QUALIFIER_MODE is selected (0x ...

  8. (转)S5PV210 三个Camera Interface/CAMIF/FIMC的区别

    原文出处: S5PV210有三个CAMIF单元,分别为CAMIF0 CAMIF1和CAMIF2. ...

  9. S5PV210 三个Camera Interface/CAMIF/FIMC的区别

    S5PV210有三个CAMIF单元,分别为CAMIF0 CAMIF1和CAMIF2.对应着驱动中的fimc0, fimc1, fimc2.在三星datasheet和驱动代码中CAMIF和FIMC(Fu ...


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