Eclipse.Error.gen already exists but is not a source folder.
在Eclipse ADT来开发Android App时会遇到以下问题:
"myproject/gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it"
- 1.Right click on the project and go to "Properties"
- 2.Select "Java Build Path" on the left
- 3.Open "Source" tab
- 4.Click "Add Folder..." and check "gen" and "src"
Eclipse.Error.gen already exists but is not a source folder.的更多相关文章
- gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it.
异常提示: gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it. 错误原因 ...
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- gen already exists but is not a source folder ZT
解决方法:1. 右键点击工程,选择 "Properties"2. 选择左边的 "Java Build Path" 3. 打开 "Source" ...
- …gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it [closed]
Right click on the project and go to "Properties" Select "Java Build Path" on th ...
- gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it 的解决办法
1. Right click on the project and go to "Properties" //鼠标右键点击项目,然后选中Properties 2. Select ...
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