mixin在javascript里可以看作是一种从别的对象"借用"功能的方法。每一个新定义的对象都有一个 prototype属性,其他的对象就可以从这里"借用"功能。这里的功能可以是一个属性,也可以是一个方法。

mixins这种借用在 javascript里非常的适用。在重用代码的时候可以使用mixins来实现继承,也可以达到类似多继承的效果。假设我们定义了这么一个对象:

var myMixins = {

  moveUp: function(){
console.log( "move up" );
}, moveDown: function(){
console.log( "move down" );
}, stop: function(){
console.log( "stop! in the name of love!" );
} };


// A skeleton carAnimator constructor
function carAnimator(){
this.moveLeft = function(){
console.log( "move left" );
} // A skeleton personAnimator constructor
function personAnimator(){
this.moveRandomly = function(){ /*..*/ };
} // Extend both constructors with our Mixin
_.extend( carAnimator.prototype, myMixins );
_.extend( personAnimator.prototype, myMixins ); // Create a new instance of carAnimator
var myAnimator = new carAnimator();
myAnimator.stop(); // Outputs:
// move left
// move down
// stop! in the name of love!



// Define a simple Car constructor
var Car = function ( settings ) { this.model = settings.model || "no model provided";
this.color = settings.color || "no colour provided"; }; // Mixin
var Mixin = function () {}; Mixin.prototype = { driveForward: function () {
console.log( "drive forward" );
}, driveBackward: function () {
console.log( "drive backward" );
}, driveSideways: function () {
console.log( "drive sideways" );
} }; // Extend an existing object with a method from another
function augment( receivingClass, givingClass ) { // only provide certain methods
if ( arguments[2] ) {
for ( var i = 2, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++ ) {
receivingClass.prototype[arguments[i]] = givingClass.prototype[arguments[i]];
// provide all methods
else {
for ( var methodName in givingClass.prototype ) { // check to make sure the receiving class doesn't
// have a method of the same name as the one currently
// being processed
if ( !Object.hasOwnProperty(receivingClass.prototype, methodName) ) {
receivingClass.prototype[methodName] = givingClass.prototype[methodName];
} // Alternatively:
// if ( !receivingClass.prototype[methodName] ) {
// receivingClass.prototype[methodName] = givingClass.prototype[methodName];
// }
} // Augment the Car constructor to include "driveForward" and "driveBackward"
augment( Car, Mixin, "driveForward", "driveBackward" ); // Create a new Car
var myCar = new Car({
model: "Ford Escort",
color: "blue"
}); // Test to make sure we now have access to the methods
myCar.driveBackward(); // Outputs:
// drive forward
// drive backward // We can also augment Car to include all functions from our mixin
// by not explicitly listing a selection of them
augment( Car, Mixin ); var mySportsCar = new Car({
model: "Porsche",
color: "red"
}); mySportsCar.driveSideways(); // Outputs:
// drive sideways







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