URAL 1837. Isenbaev's Number (map + Dijkstra || BFS)
1837. Isenbaev's Number
Memory limit: 64 MB
have solved a problem. Maybe, even two…
Some of them are proud to say that they either played in the same team with him or played in the same team with one of his teammates…
played in the same team with one or more of his teammates, the number is 2, and so on. Your task is to automate the process of calculating Isenbaev's numbers so that each contestant at USU would know their proximity to the ACM ICPC champion.
are separated with a space. Each name is a nonempty line consisting of English letters, and its length is at most 20 symbols. The first letter of a name is capital and the other letters are lowercase.
input | output |
7 |
Ayzenshteyn 2 |
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
#define INF 1e7
const int maxn = 302; int g[maxn][maxn], d[maxn];
string a[maxn][3];
map<string, int> m;
bool used[maxn]; void dijkstra(int s, int V){ //Dijkstra算法
fill(d, d + V, INF);
fill(used, used + V, false);
d[s] = 0; while(true){
int v = -1;
for(int u=0; u<V; u++){
if(!used[u] && (v == -1 || d[u] < d[v])) v = u;
} if(v == -1) break;
used[v] = true; for(int u=0; u<V; u++){
d[u] = min(d[u], d[v] + g[v][u]);
} int main(){
#ifdef sxk
freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
#endif //sxk int n;
while(scanf("%d", &n)==1){
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
cin >> a[i][0] >> a[i][1] >> a[i][2];
m[ a[i][0] ] = 0; m[ a[i][1] ] = 0; m[ a[i][2] ] = 0; //把字符串放到map里
} int num = 0;
map<string, int>::iterator it;
for(it = m.begin(); it!=m.end(); it++){
it->second = ++num; //给个字符串编号
} for(int i=0; i<maxn; i++)
for(int j=0; j<maxn; j++) g[i][j] = INF;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ //初始化组员之间距离
int f1 = m.find(a[i][0])->second, f2 = m.find(a[i][1])->second, f3 = m.find(a[i][2])->second;
g[f1][f2] = g[f2][f3] = g[f1][f3] = 1;
g[f2][f1] = g[f3][f2] = g[f3][f1] = 1;
} int len = m.size();
it = m.find("Isenbaev");
if(it == m.end()){
for(it=m.begin(); it!=m.end(); it++) cout<<it->first<<" "<<"undefined"<<endl;
} dijkstra(it->second, len + 1); for(it=m.begin(); it!=m.end(); it++){
cout<<it->first<<" ";
if(d[it->second] == INF) puts("undefined");
else cout<<d[it->second]<<endl;
return 0;
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