

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coroutine
  2. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/协程
  3. http://www.cnblogs.com/xybaby/p/6323358.html


  1. Python对协程的支持是通过generator实现的。
  2. Python中,generator的send和throw方法使得generator很像一个协程(coroutine), 但是generator只是一个半协程(semicoroutines),python doc是这样描述的:“All of this makes generator functions quite similar to coroutines; they yield multiple times, they have more than one entry point and their execution can be suspended. The only difference is that a generator function cannot control where should the execution continue after it yields; the control is always transferred to the generator’s caller.
  3. 一个线程可以多个协程,一个进程也可以单独拥有多个协程,这样python中则能使用多核CPU。(多进程+协程)
  4. greenlet是真正的协程
  5. Gevent 是一个第三方库,可以轻松通过gevent实现并发同步或异步编程,在gevent中用到的主要模式是Greenlet, 它是以C扩展模块形式接入Python的轻量级协程。

例子1. 用协程实现生产者,消费者模型

  1. 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/pfm685757/article/details/49924099
  2. 参考:https://www.liaoxuefeng.com/wiki/0014316089557264a6b348958f449949df42a6d3a2e542c000/001432090171191d05dae6e129940518d1d6cf6eeaaa969000
1. 用协程实现消费者生产者模型
2. Python对协程的支持是通过generator实现的
3. 有yield的话,就是generator
4. 整个流程无锁,由一个线程执行,produce和consumer协作完成任务,所以称为“协程”,而非线程的抢占式多任务。
""" def consumer():
r = ''
while True:
# n为send过来的值
# yield类似于断点,有两个作用。
# 1. 生成值
# 2. 在这里断点,交出控制权。切换到另外一个协程
n = yield r
if not n:
print('[CONSUMER] Consuming %s...' % n)
r = '200 OK' def produce(c):
#start generator with None
n = 0
while n < 5:
n = n + 1
print('[PRODUCER] Producing %s...' % n)
r = c.send(n)
print('[PRODUCER] Consumer return: %s' % r)
c.close() c = consumer() produce(c)

例子2. 遇到IO阻塞时自动切换任务,based on gevent,greenlet,monkey

from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all()
import gevent
from urllib.request import urlopen def f(url):
print('GET: %s' % url)
resp = urlopen(url)
data = resp.read()
print('%d bytes received from %s.' % (len(data), url)) gevent.joinall([
gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.python.org/'),
gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.yahoo.com/'),
gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.baidu.com/'),

例子3. 单线程下实现多socket并发,based on gevent


import sys
import socket
import time
import gevent from gevent import socket,monkey
monkey.patch_all() def server(port):
s = socket.socket()
s.bind(('', port))
while True:
cli, addr = s.accept()
gevent.spawn(handle_request, cli) def handle_request(conn):
while True:
data = conn.recv(1024)
print("recv:", data)
conn.send(data + ' [server]'.encode('utf-8'))
if not data:
conn.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except Exception as ex:
if __name__ == '__main__':


import socket
import threading def sock_conn(): client = socket.socket() client.connect(("localhost",8006))
count = 0
while True:
#msg = input(">>:").strip()
#if len(msg) == 0:continue
client.send( ("hello %s" %count).encode("utf-8")) #从服务器端收到的数据
data = client.recv(1024) print("[%s]recv from server:" % threading.get_ident(),data.decode()) #结果
count +=1
client.close() for i in range(100):
t = threading.Thread(target=sock_conn)

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