Harmony OS Vs Android Comparison
It isn’t based on Linux kernel
The key difference between HarmonyOS and Android is that it does not include Linux at its heart. For his future operating system, Huawei has created a completely new microkernel.
Richard Yu, Chief Executive Officer of Huawei’s Consumer Division, compared HarmonyOS with Fuchsia OS, a new development based on the Zircon microkernel of Google.
A microkernel is smaller than a monolithic (like Linux) kernel, as it only contains the minimum quantity of code required to run the operating system. The Huawei microkernel has approximately 1/1000 of the number of software available in the Linux kernel because it contains only thread planning and IPC. All other services like file systems, device drivers, network drivers, etc. are running in the user area.
In these cases, IPC becomes a significant factor in the overall performance of the OS. Huawei argues that its microkernel provides up to five times as quick an IPC as Fuchsia and up to three times as fast as the QNX microkernel.
It’s NOT an Android competitor
Right now Huawei is firmly convinced that HarmonyOS does not compete with Android. They want to work on Android, but if the company is taken away from the United States (and the Android ecosystem) they can change their smartphones to HarmonyOS in a day or two.
Initially, Huawei will concentrate on introducing the OS to intelligent screens, intelligent speakers, automotive heads, etc. Huawei expects an abundance of AI, IoT, and 5 G technologies by 2025 in its lately published whitepaper. Designing an OS for such appliances appears to be a good step towards future-proofing.
So the business has developed more of a plan B. Due to the increased tension between the United States and China, Huawei is expected to go with HarmonyOS for the next Mate 30 series. The device has not yet been certified by Google Play, which is a preload requirement for Android OS and Google services.
Theoretically faster than Android
Huawei uses “Distributed OS” as a new game to sell its recent smartphone offering. To enhance its efficiency, HarmonyOS utilizes distributed task scheduling and distributed data management.
Huawei claims that its “distributed” HarmonyOS can surpass Android because Android utilizes a lot of redundant code, an obsolete planning mechanism and problems with fragmentation.
Its microkernel utilizes a fresh planning mechanism, called a “Deterministic Latency Engine,” which utilizes real-time load assessment, app features matching and projection to better assign system resources.
The firm says it has enhanced reaction latency by up to 25,7 percent and enhanced latency by 55,6 percent.
Huawei suggests that the common fair planning system of Linux treats all resources the same way and decreases efficiency, setting an example of a road. Nevertheless, the result can not be anticipated until the current OS comes into people’s hands.
No root access
Many individuals using Android get an idea of what Android rooting is and the wonders it can bring to their computers (and its havoc).
Interestingly, Huawei announced at HDC 2019 that its operating system will not support root access on devices. The general safety of the micro-kernel and devices should be improved.
Huawei also stated that it has implemented “formal techniques of verification” to enhance its microkernel safety. These are mathematical approaches used in fields such as aircraft and chipsets that are critical to safety. This offers an edge over functional verification and attack simulation that deals with a few situations.
The app war: Android is still the winner
In the middle of all this, Huawei has one large battle to win and the last winner is ultimately the app’s ecosystem. The firm that owns the app market is already owned by the smartphone sector. Google and Apple are the most important examples.
Concerning Huawei, it is attempting to attract developers to port their applications to its AppGallery alternative play store.
HarmonyOS does not support Android applications right now, but Huawei tells developers that it will be very simple. The firm has published all the necessary SDKs and instruments to assist developers in to recompile their HarmonyOS applications.
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