[转]POJ1006: 中国剩余定理的完美演绎
Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 10000K | |
Total Submissions: 117973 | Accepted: 37026 |
Since the three cycles have different periods, the peaks of the three cycles generally occur at different times. We would like to determine when a triple peak occurs (the peaks of all three cycles occur in the same day) for any person. For each cycle, you will be given the number of days from the beginning of the current year at which one of its peaks (not necessarily the first) occurs. You will also be given a date expressed as the number of days from the beginning of the current year. You task is to determine the number of days from the given date to the next triple peak. The given date is not counted. For example, if the given date is 10 and the next triple peak occurs on day 12, the answer is 2, not 3. If a triple peak occurs on the given date, you should give the number of days to the next occurrence of a triple peak.
Case 1: the next triple peak occurs in 1234 days.
Use the plural form ``days'' even if the answer is 1.
Sample Input
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 5 20 34 325 4 5 6 7 283 102 23 320 203 301 203 40 -1 -1 -1 -1
Sample Output
Case 1: the next triple peak occurs in 21252 days. Case 2: the next triple peak occurs in 21152 days. Case 3: the next triple peak occurs in 19575 days. Case 4: the next triple peak occurs in 16994 days. Case 5: the next triple peak occurs in 8910 days. Case 6: the next triple peak occurs in 10789 days.
Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 10000K | |
Total Submissions: 117973 | Accepted: 37026 |
当p = e = i = d = -1时,输入数据结束。
Case 1: the next triple peak occurs in 1234 days.
Sample Input
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 5 20 34 325 4 5 6 7 283 102 23 320 203 301 203 40 -1 -1 -1 -1
Sample Output
Case 1: the next triple peak occurs in 21252 days. Case 2: the next triple peak occurs in 21152 days. Case 3: the next triple peak occurs in 19575 days. Case 4: the next triple peak occurs in 16994 days. Case 5: the next triple peak occurs in 8910 days. Case 6: the next triple peak occurs in 10789 days.
关于中国剩余定理的解释: http://www.cnblogs.com/yuyixingkong/p/4358300.html 与 http://baike.sogou.com/v1853008.htm 与 http://www.cnblogs.com/tom987690183/p/3260625.html 与 http://blog.csdn.net/u010468553/article/details/38346195 都可以作为参考的博客;
关于欧几里得和逆元的解释:http://blog.csdn.net/cqlf__/article/details/7953039 与 http://blog.csdn.net/acdreamers/article/details/8220787 都可以作为参考的博客;
#include<stdio.h> #define LL __int64 LL m[5]={23,28,33}; LL at[5]; LL s; void exgcd(LL a,LL b,LL &d,LL &x,LL &y) { if(b==0) { x=1; y=0; d=a; return ; } else { exgcd(b,a%b,d,y,x); y-=x*(a/b); } } LL China(int r) { LL Mc=1; LL i,Mi,x,y,d,as=0; for(i=0; i<r; i++) Mc*=m[i]; for(i=0; i<r; i++) { Mi=Mc/m[i]; exgcd(Mi,m[i],d,x,y); as=(as+Mi*x*at[i])%Mc; } as-=s; if(as<=0) as+=Mc; return as; } LL work() { if(!(at[0]%m[0]||at[1]%m[1]||at[2]%m[2])) return 23*28*33-s; else China(3); } int main() { int test=1; while(scanf("%I64d%I64d%I64d%I64d",&at[0],&at[1],&at[2],&s)!=EOF) { if(at[0]==-1&&at[1]==-1&&at[2]==-1&&s==-1) break; printf("Case %d: the next triple peak occurs in %I64d days.\n",test++,work()); } return 0; }
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