Database Design Guidelines


  • Support popular databases

Name Style

  • Table Name

    Style: Pascal

    Example: Employee

    It is fine that you may use the singular style or plural style. But singular style is preferred here.

  • Column Name

    Style: Pascal

    Example: HouseAddress

    Avoid to repeat table name in the column name, for example, For table 'Employee', use 'Name' for the column of employee name.

  • Primary Key Name

    Style: Pascal, PK_${TableName}

    Example: PK_Employee

  • Index Name

    Style: Pascal, UK_\({Column1Name}_\){Column2Name} for unique indexes.

    Use IK_\({Column1Name}_\){Column2Name} for non-unique indexes.

    Example: UK_Code

  • Foreign Key Name

    Style: Pascal, FK_\({Column1Name}_\){Column2Name}

    Example: FK_DepartmentId


Text columns

  • Do use unicode data type to define text columns.
  • Do use nvarchar for variable length text columns.

Date/Date Time

  • If the value of a date column is expected to present same text result among different time zone, use numeric or text data type to define date/date-time columns.

    If we define a column with date data type, default, most program language will use date-time type to store values from the column, we should realize the date value will be changed when the data is transited to a different time-zone. For example:

    2001/01/15, On the database server, timezone is +8.

    2001/01/15, On the application server, timezone is +8.

    2001/01/15 01:00:00, On the client, timezone is +9.

    So if it is a problem to you, try to use a integer or text data type to store the value.

Tips: consider the case carefully. ask these questions:

If your application will be used in different time-zone?

If you only use date part for the column?

If you only use time part for the column?


  • Avoid to define a column as nullable.

    Avoid to use null would reduce programing bugs, and bring better performance.

  • Do Not use null for numeric columns if it has same meaning as zero.

  • Do Not use null for text columns if it has same meaning as empty.

  • May use null in a reference column provide that null is acceptable.


Primary Keys

  • Do create a primary key for any tables.
  • Recommend to use one column for the primary key.
  • Use '${TableName}Id' for the name of the primary key column, the column is denoted as 'Id' columns.
  • Recommend to use integer data type for the primary key column.
  • Avoid change the value of the primary key column after created.
  • It is acceptable to show the the value of the primary key column to customers if need.

Foreign Keys

  • Do create a foreign key if there is a relation between 2 tables.

    It is useful to keep data integrity.
  • Carefully use delete cascade clause when creating the foreign keys relationship.

Tips: Be careful, Use delete cascade is also dangerous. consider it twice before use it.

Database-specific constraints

  • Avoid to use reversed words for name of objects of databases

Tips: please read the reversed words from database you will use

  • Avoid to use system prefix in your object names
  • Check length limitation of object names of databases


Entity Tables

Like departments, employee etc, we store these kind of information into entity tables.

In most case, the table like:

  • Definition sample
Employee {EmployeeId, Code, Name, DepartmentId, ...}.

If in your system, an employee only exists in one department, you may use above definition.

Tree Tables

Like most organization, departments will be constructed as a tree, there are some top level departments (or is a root department), except these top level departments, departments must have one and only have one parent department.

We define this kind of table as:

  • Definition sample
Department{DepartmentId, Code, Name, **ParentId**, ...}.

In most case, for the usage convenience, we will define a tree table for each tree relationship, denoted as a tree table.

  • Definition sample

    DepartmentTree{ParentId, ChildId}.

    For a parent department, The table stores itself and all its descendants.

    From a view of a child department, the table stores itself and all its ancestors.

Hierarchical Tables

Different as tree tables, in the hierarchical tables, a child would have 0 to n parents.

For example, groups and users:

  • Rules

    • an user would exists in multiple groups.
    • an groups would exists in multiple groups.
  • Definition sample

User(userId, Name, isGroup)
GroupUser(parentId, userId)
GroupUserTree(parentId, userId)

The table GroupUser stores the direct relationships.

Instead, the table GroupUserTRee stores the redundant relationships like tree tables above.

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