关于芒果的权限控制说白了就是定义 Role(角色) 来控制对数据库进行的操作(调用的方法比如查询方法find)。

系统内置的Role分为 以下几大类:

Database User Roles 这个是针对非系统数据库和部分系统表的角色组

Database Administration Roles 可以操作所有数据库

Cluster Administration Roles 管理员族 针对整个系统进行管理

Backup and Restoration Roles 备份还原角色组

All-Database Roles 角色里面有一些跟超管差不多了级别了,针对所有数据库的

Superuser Roles 超级管理员 不用多说了

Internal Role 内部系统角色,比超管牛,别乱设哦


MongoDB grants access to data and commands through role-based authorization and provides built-in roles that provide the different levels of access commonly needed in a database system. You can additionally createuser-defined roles.


A role grants privileges to perform sets of actions on defined resources. A given role applies to the database on which it is defined and can grant access down to a collection level of granularity.


Each of MongoDB’s built-in roles defines access at the database level for all non-system collections in the role’s database and at the collection level for all system collections.


MongoDB provides the built-in database user and database administration roles on every database. MongoDB provides all other built-in roles only on the admin database.


This section describes the privileges for each built-in role. You can also view the privileges for a built-in role at any time by issuing the rolesInfo command with the showPrivileges and showBuiltinRolesfields both set to true.

这节描述了各个内置角色的权限。你可以发出rolesInfo的命令:把showPrivileges 和showBuiltinRolesfields 设为true,在任何时间查看内置角色的权限。

Database User Roles


Every database includes the following client roles:



Provides the ability to read data on all non-system collections and on the following system collections:system.indexessystem.js, and system.namespaces collections. The role provides read access by granting the following actions:

提供能力读取非系统集合和以下系统集合system.indexessystem.js, and system.namespaces 的集合。该角色通过授予以下动作来提供读的权限:


Provides all the privileges of the read role plus ability to modify data on all non-system collections and the system.js collection. The role provides the following actions on those collections:


Database Administration Roles


Every database includes the following database administration roles:



Provides the following actions on the database’s system.indexessystem.namespaces, andsystem.profile collections:

为数据库的 system.indexessystem.namespacessystem.profile集合提供以下操作:

Changed in version 2.6.4: dbAdmin added the createCollection for the system.profilecollection. Previous versions only had the dropCollection on the system.profile collection.

更改于版本2.6.4:dbAdmin 为了system.profile添加createCollection更早的版本在system.profile集合上只有 dropCollection 

Provides the following actions on all non-system collections. This role does not include full read access on non-system collections:


The database owner can perform any administrative action on the database. This role combines the privileges granted by the readWritedbAdmin and userAdmin roles.

数据库所有者可以执行数据库所有管理的操作。这个角色合并了readWritedbAdmin ,userAdmin角色的权限


Provides the ability to create and modify roles and users on the current database. This role also indirectly provides superuser access to either the database or, if scoped to the admin database, the cluster. TheuserAdmin role allows users to grant any user any privilege, including themselves.


The userAdmin role explicitly provides the following actions:


Cluster Administration Roles


The admin database includes the following roles for administering the whole system rather than just a single database. These roles include but are not limited to replica set and sharded cluster administrative functions.

为了管理整个系统而不是仅仅单个数据库,admin数据库包括以下的角色。这些角色包括但不受 replica set 和sharded cluster 管理方法的限制


Provides the greatest cluster-management access. This role combines the privileges granted by theclusterManagerclusterMonitor, and hostManager roles. Additionally, the role provides thedropDatabase action.

提供最高集群管理权限。这个角色包括了clusterManagerclusterMonitor,  hostManager角色的权限,这个角色提供了dropDatabase的操作。


Provides management and monitoring actions on the cluster. A user with this role can access the configand local databases, which are used in sharding and replication, respectively.


Provides the following actions on the cluster as a whole:


Provides the following actions on all databases in the cluster:


On the config database, provides the following actions on the settings collection:

在配置数据库中, 为settings集合提供以下操作

On the config database, provides the following actions on all configuration collections and on thesystem.indexessystem.js, and system.namespaces collections:

在配置数据库里,为configuration,system.indexessystem.jssystem.namespaces 集合提供以下操作:

On the local database, provides the following actions on the replset collection:

在本地数据库里,为 replset 集合提供以下操作:


Provides read-only access to monitoring tools, such as the MongoDB Cloud Manager and Ops Managermonitoring agent.

Provides the following actions on the cluster as a whole:

为监视工具提供只读的权限,包括 MongoDB Cloud Manager 和Ops Managermonitoring agent两个工具。


Provides the following actions on all databases in the cluster:


Provides the find action on all system.profile collections in the cluster.

Provides the following actions on the config database’s configuration collections andsystem.indexessystem.js, and system.namespaces collections:

为所有在集群里的system.profile 集合提供find 操作:


Provides the ability to monitor and manage servers.


Provides the following actions on the cluster as a whole:


Provides the following actions on all databases in the cluster:


Backup and Restoration Roles


The admin database includes the following roles for backing up and restoring data:



Provides minimal privileges needed for backing up data. This role provides sufficient privileges to use theMongoDB Cloud Manager backup agent, Ops Manager backup agent, or to use mongodump to back up an entire mongod instance.

提供最低的权限为了备份数据的需要。这个角色提供了足够的权限来使用MongoDB Cloud Manager 备份代理, Ops Manager代理,或者使用 mongodump来备份怎个 mongod实例。

Provides the following actions on the mms.backup collection in the admin database:

admin 数据库的mms.backup集合提供以下操作:

Provides the listDatabases action on the cluster as a whole.

把集群看成一个整体的基础上提供listDatabases 操作。

Provides the listCollections action on all databases.

在集群中的所有数据库提供listCollections 方法。

Provides the listIndexes action for all collections.

在所有集合提供 listIndexes 方法。

Provides the bypassDocumentValidation action for collections that have document validation.

在有document validation的集合提供 listIndexes 方法。

Provides the find action on the following:

为以下提供find 方法:

To back up the system.profile collection, which is created when you activate database profiling, you must have additional read access on this collection. Several roles provide this access, including theclusterAdmin and dbAdmin roles.

为了备份当你启用了数据压缩时被创建的 system.profile集合,对这个集合你必须获得额外的读取权限。若干角色提供这个权限,包括clusterAdmin 和dbAdmin角色。


Provides privileges needed to restore data from backups. This role is sufficient when restoring data withmongorestore without the --oplogReplay option. If running mongorestore with --oplogReplay, however, the restore role is insufficient to replay the oplog. To replay the oplog, create a user-defined role that has anyAction on anyResource and grant only to users who must run mongorestore with --oplogReplay.

提供还原备份所需权限。这个角色在没有设置--oplogReplay 选项的时候有充足的权限使用mongorestore还原数据。如果在运行mongorestore设置了--oplogReplay 选项,restore 角色无论如何没有充足的权限应用操作日志。

Provides the following actions on all non-system collections and system.js collections in the cluster; on the admin.system.users and admin.system.roles collections in the admin database; and on legacy system.users collections from versions of MongoDB prior to 2.6:

为集群中的非系统集合, system.js 集合admin数据库的 admin.system.users 和admin.system.roles集合和2.6版本之前遗留的system.users集合提供了以下操作:

Provides the listCollections action on all databases.


Provides the following additional actions on admin.system.users and legacy system.userscollections:

admin.system.users 和遗留的system.userscollections提供额外的操作:

Provides the find action on all the system.namespaces collections in the cluster.

为集群的 system.namespaces 集合提供find 操作 。

Although, restore includes the ability to modify the documents in the admin.system.userscollection using normal modification operations, only modify these data using the user management methods.

虽然restore角色包含了可以使用普通修改方法去修改admin.system.users集合内文档的能力,但是仅仅只能使用 用户管理方法修改这些数据。

All-Database Roles


The admin database provides the following roles that apply to all databases in a mongod instance and are roughly equivalent to their single-database equivalents:

admin数据库提供了以下角色适用于一个mongod 实例所有数据库,这些角色基本相当于它们的单独数据库。


Provides the same read-only permissions as read, except it applies to all databases in the cluster. The role also provides the listDatabases action on the cluster as a whole.

提供和read角色一样的只读权限,除了适用于集群内所有数据库这个特性。这个角色也为整个集群提供listDatabases 操作。


Provides the same read and write permissions as readWrite, except it applies to all databases in the cluster. The role also provides the listDatabases action on the cluster as a whole.

提供和readWrite角色一样的读写权限,除了适用于集群内所有数据库这个特性。这个角色也为整个集群提供listDatabases 操作。


Provides the same access to user administration operations as userAdmin, except it applies to alldatabases in the cluster. The role also provides the following actions on the cluster as a whole:


The role also provides the following actions on the admin.system.users andadmin.system.roles collections on the admin database, and on legacy system.userscollections from versions of MongoDB prior to 2.6:

该角色也为原有早于2.6版本的admin数据库的 admin.system.users 和admin.system.roles集合提供了以下操作:

Changed in version 2.6.4: userAdminAnyDatabase added the following permissions on theadmin.system.users and admin.system.roles collections:

在版本2.6.4的更改:userAdminAnyDatabase 角色添加了对admin.system.users 和admin.system.roles的权限。

The userAdminAnyDatabase role does not restrict the permissions that a user can grant. As a result,userAdminAnyDatabase users can grant themselves privileges in excess of their current privileges and even can grant themselves all privileges, even though the role does not explicitly authorize privileges beyond user administration. This role is effectively a MongoDB system superuser.

userAdminAnyDatabase 角色没有限制用户可以授予的权限。结果是,userAdminAnyDatabase 的用户们可以授予它们自己比现在更多的权限,甚至是所有权限,甚至不需要明确的设置超过用户管理员权限。这个角色实际上是芒果系统的超级用户。


Provides the same access to database administration operations as dbAdmin, except it applies to alldatabases in the cluster. The role also provides the listDatabases action on the cluster as a whole.

提供和dbAdmin角色一样的读写权限,除了适用于集群内所有数据库这个特性。这个角色也为整个集群提供listDatabases 操作。

Superuser Roles


Several roles provide either indirect or direct system-wide superuser access.


The following roles provide the ability to assign any user any privilege on any database, which means that users with one of these roles can assign themselves any privilege on any database:


  • dbOwner role, when scoped to the admin database 作用于admin数据库时
  • userAdmin role, when scoped to the admin database 作用于admin数据库时
  • userAdminAnyDatabase role

The following role provides full privileges on all resources:



Provides access to the operations and all the resources of the readWriteAnyDatabase,dbAdminAnyDatabaseuserAdminAnyDatabaseclusterAdmin roles, restore combined.

提供了所有资源的所有操作,包括readWriteAnyDatabase,dbAdminAnyDatabaseuserAdminAnyDatabaseclusterAdmin , restore 角色的权限。

Changed in version 3.0.7: The root has validate action on system. collections. Previously, rootdoes not include any access to collections that begin with the system. prefix.

3.0.7版本修改了:root角色在系统上有 validate操作的权限,在以前的版本中,root角色没有包含system.前缀集合的权限。

The root includes privileges from restore.


Internal Role


MongoDB assigns this role to user objects that represent cluster members, such as replica set members and mongos instances. The role entitles its holder to take any action against any object in the database.


Do not assign this role to user objects representing applications or human administrators, other than in exceptional circumstances.

If you need access to all actions on all resources, for example to run applyOps commands, do not assign this role. Instead, create a user-defined role that grants anyAction on anyResource and ensure that only the users who need access to these operations have this access.

不要给应用程序或者管理人员分配这个角色,除了特殊情况。如果你需要对所有资源进行所有操作,举个例子,运行 applyOps命令,不要分配这个角色。反之,create a user-defined role 这个操作需要 anyResource 的anyAction 授权,确保只有需要这些操作的用户拥有这个权限。

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