【LeetCode OJ】Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
Problem Link:
The basic idea is same to that for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal. We solve it using a recursive function. First, we find preorder[0] in inorder, let's say inorder[i] == preorder, then construct the left tree from preorder[1..i] and inorder[0..i-1] and the right tree from preorder[i+1..n-1] and inorder[i+1..n-1].
The code is as follows.
- # Definition for a binary tree node
- # class TreeNode:
- # def __init__(self, x):
- # self.val = x
- # self.left = None
- # self.right = None
- class Solution:
- # @param preorder, a list of integers
- # @param inorder, a list of integers
- # @return a tree node
- def buildTree(self, preorder, inorder):
- n = len(preorder)
- if n == 0:
- return None
- elif n == 1:
- return TreeNode(preorder[0])
- else:
- mid_inorder = inorder.index(preorder[0])
- root = TreeNode(preorder[0])
- root.left = self.buildTree(preorder[1:mid_inorder+1], inorder[:mid_inorder])
- root.right = self.buildTree(preorder[mid_inorder+1:], inorder[mid_inorder+1:])
- return root
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