
Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum.

The path may start and end at any node in the tree.

For example:
Given the below binary tree,

/ \
2 3

Return 6.



/ \
left right

设left是左子树的最长路径和,right是右子树的最长路径和,要求当前节点的最长路径和,只要将1、当前节点的val值2、当前节点val值加上left 3、当前节点val值加上rihgt,取其最大者作为当前节点的最长路径和。


还有三种情况需要考虑,1、如果left值是最长路径呢,即最长路径不经过cur,到left就为止了;2、如果right值是最长路径呢?3、最长路径经过cur,但是没有向上走,而是向另一个分支去了呢(left or right)?



class Solution {
int maxPathSum(TreeNode *root) {
if(root == NULL)
return 0;
int maxsum = INT_MIN;
int ret = getMax(root, maxsum);
return max(ret, maxsum); } int getMax(TreeNode *root, int &maxsum)
if(root == NULL)
return INT_MIN>>4;
int leftmax = getMax(root->left, maxsum);
int rightmax = getMax(root->right, maxsum);
maxsum = max(maxsum, max(max(leftmax, rightmax), leftmax + root->val + rightmax));
return max(root->val, max(leftmax, rightmax) + root->val); }

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