quick cocos2d-x 入门---井字棋
学习quick cocos2d-x 第二天 ,使用quick-x 做了一个井字棋游戏 。
我假设读者已经 http://wiki.quick-x.com/doku.php?id=zh_cn阅读了这个链接下的内容 ,并学会了如何搭建环境和创建新的工程,并假高读者有一定cocos2d-x基础
- function MainScene:ctor()
- self.bg = display.newSprite("board.png", display.cx, display.cy)
- self:addChild(self.bg)
- -- keypad layer, for android
- self.layer = Board.new()
- self:addChild(self.layer)
- end
display 是处理显示有关的一个“类”。
注意:Lua中除用local 修饰的变量都是全局变量。我们self.bg这样定义,而不直接定义,目的是不污染全局环境,和把bg作为MainScene“类”(其实是表)的一个变量。
在Board.lua文件 中
- local Board = class("Board", function()
- return display.newLayer()
- end)
return Board
3.1在 Board:actor中增加以下代码
- self:addTouchEventListener(handler(self, self.onTouch))
- self:setNodeEventEnabled(true)
3.2 在onEnter,onExit中分别设置和移除相关事件监听
- function Board:onEnter()
- self:setTouchEnabled(true)
- end
- function Board:onExit()
- self:removeAllEventListeners()
- end
3.3 在Board:onTouch中处理事件
- function Board:onTouch(event, x, y)
- //TODO 处理点击事件
- end
- myBoard = {{"-","-","-"},
- {"-","-","-"},
- {"-","-","-"}}
- theWiner = "-1"
比如简单,直接附代码了,写的比较粗糙,因为 也刚学Lua才两三天。
- turn = "O"
- function Board:makeMove(x,y)
- if theWiner ~= "-1" then
- return
- end
- row,co = self:getBoardLocation(x,y)
- if row == - then
- return
- end
- self:makeEle(row,co)
- end
- function Board:makeEle(row,co)
- local file = "piece_o.png"
- if turn == "X" then
- file = "piece_x.png"
- else
- file = "piece_o.png"
- end
- myBoard[row][co] = turn;
- self.ele = display.newSprite(file, display.cx+*(co-) , display.cy+*(-row))
- self:addChild(self.ele)
- local ret = Board:winCheck(row,co)
- print("winCheck",ret)
- if ret == "O" then
- self.lable:setString("O is the winer")
- end
- if ret == "X" then
- self.lable:setString("X is the winner")
- end
- if ret == "He" then
- self.lable:setString("No one is the winner")
- end
- if ret == "Wh" then
- self.lable:setString("Continue")
- end
- if turn == "X" then
- turn = "O"
- else
- turn = "X"
- end
- end
- function Board:getBoardLocation(x,y)
- if x < display.cx- or x >display.cx+ then
- return -
- end
- if y > display.cy+ or y < display.cy- then
- return -
- end
- local co
- if x <= display.cx - then
- co =
- elseif x > display.cx- and x < display.cx+ then
- co =
- else
- co =
- end
- local row
- if y <= display.cy - then
- row =
- elseif y > display.cy- and y < display.cy+ then
- row =
- else
- row =
- end
- return row,co
- end
- function Board:winCheck(row,co)
- local cur = myBoard[row][co]
- if myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] ==cur then
- return cur
- end
- if myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur then
- return cur
- end
- if myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur then
- return cur
- end
- if myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur then
- return cur
- end
- if myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur then
- return cur
- end
- if myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur then
- return cur
- end
- if myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur then
- return cur
- end
- if myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur and myBoard[][] == cur then
- return cur
- end
- open = true;
- for i = , do
- for j = , do
- if myBoard[i][j] == "-" then
- open = false
- end
- end
- end
- if open then
- return "He"
- else
- return "Wh"
- end
- end
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