What is the difference between try/except and assert?
only check if a condition is true or not and throw an exception. A try/except
block can run a few statements and check if any of them throw an exception so you can process it in the except
part. Examples:
assert(1 == 2)
will give you an AsertionError
# some statements
# ...
except OSError as err:
#If an OSerror exception is thrown, you can process it here. For example:
print("OS error: {0}".format(err))
Your code will look like this:
def function_addition(x,y):
assert (y!=0)
raise ValueError('y is 0.')
total= x/y
return total
num1=float(input("Write a number :"))
num2=float (input("Write a second number:"))
except ValueError as ve:
If you save it in a fun.py file and run it, you will have this output:
Write a number :1
Write a second number:2
# Run it again.
Write a number :0
Write a second number:0
y is 0.
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