Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a tool that lets you manage the state of an emulator instance or Android phone. ADB is bundled with Android SDK package that can be downloaded from Android SDK download page. This tool is usefull for communicating with Android phone such as install application, copy files from/to device and perform some linux shell commands.

How to Install

Download and install Java SDK (Ex:jdk-6u20-windows-i586.exe)
Download Android SDK package (
Extract SDK package into anywhere on your drive (Ex: D:\android-sdk-windows)
Phone Setup

In order to use ADB, you have to enable USB Debugging option in phone settings (Settings->Applications->Development)

How to Use

  • Connect the phone to your pc/notebook usb port
  • Run Windows command line tool (cmd) and go to D:\android-sdk-windows\tool


New Android SDK puts adb executable file on \platform-tools directory instead of tool. So the path should be D:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools

Usefull Commands

1. Check connected phone

Syntax: adb devices

2. Login to Android shell

Syntax: adb shell


If you get ‘#’ after typing adb shell, you are already get root access on the phone, no need to type su. Otherwise if you get ‘$’ , type ‘su’ to get root access (only for rooted device).

3. Some usefull shell commands

  • ls
    List directory

Syntax: ls [path]


#ls /system/lib

  • cp
    Copy file or directory

Syntax: cp [options] source dest


To copy or delete files in Android root directories you have to change the directory access mode to ‘read and write (rw)’ using command: remount rw


#remount rw

#cp /sdcard/ /system/lib

#remount ro

  • mv
    Move file or directory

Syntax: mv [options] source dest


#mv /system/lib/ /sdcard/backup

  • chmod
    Change file/directory permission

Syntax: chmod [-R] mode[,mode] …. file


#chmod 0644 /system/lib/

  • rm
    Remove file or directory

Syntax: rm [options] file


#rm /system/lib/

4. Install application

You can use adb to install aplication from your local drive into phone.

Syntax: adb install appname.apk


D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb install D:\AnReboot.apk

5. Copy files from phone to local drive

Syntax: adb pull source [destination]


D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb pull /sdcard/

D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb pull /sdcard/ D:\

6. Copy files from local drive to phone

Syntax: adb push source destination


D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb push D:\AnReboot.apk /sdcard

To See The Original Link Please Click Here

  1. 获取序列号:

    adb get-serialno

  2. 查看连接计算机的设备:

    adb devices

  3. 重启机器:

    adb reboot

  4. 重启到bootloader,即刷机模式:

    adb reboot bootloader

  5. 重启到recovery,即恢复模式:

    adb reboot recovery

  6. 查看log:

    adb logcat

  7. 终止adb服务进程:

    adb kill-server

  8. 重启adb服务进程:

    adb start-server

  9. 获取机器MAC地址:

    adb shell cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address

  10. 获取CPU序列号:

    adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo

  11. 安装APK:

    adb install //比如:adb install baidu.apk

  12. 保留数据和缓存文件,重新安装apk:

    adb install -r //比如:adb install -r baidu.apk

  13. 安装apk到sd卡:

    adb install -s // 比如:adb install -s baidu.apk

  14. 卸载APK:

    adb uninstall //比如:adb uninstall

  15. 卸载app但保留数据和缓存文件:

    adb uninstall -k //比如:adb uninstall -k

  16. 启动应用:

    adb shell am start -n /.

  17. 查看设备cpu和内存占用情况:

    adb shell top

  18. 查看占用内存前6的app:

    adb shell top -m 6

  19. 刷新一次内存信息,然后返回:

    adb shell top -n 1

  20. 查询各进程内存使用情况:

    adb shell procrank

  21. 杀死一个进程:

    adb shell kill [pid]

  22. 查看进程列表:

    adb shell ps

  23. 查看指定进程状态:

    adb shell ps -x [PID]

  24. 查看后台services信息:

    adb shell service list

  25. 查看当前内存占用:

    adb shell cat /proc/meminfo

  26. 查看IO内存分区:

    adb shell cat /proc/iomem

  27. 将system分区重新挂载为可读写分区:

    adb remount

  28. 从本地复制文件到设备:

    adb push

  29. 从设备复制文件到本地:

    adb pull

  30. 列出目录下的文件和文件夹,等同于dos中的dir命令:

    adb shell ls

  31. 进入文件夹,等同于dos中的cd 命令:

    adb shell cd

  32. 重命名文件:

    adb shell rename path/oldfilename path/newfilename

  33. 删除system/avi.apk:

    adb shell rm /system/avi.apk

  34. 删除文件夹及其下面所有文件:

    adb shell rm -r

  35. 移动文件:

    adb shell mv path/file newpath/file

  36. 设置文件权限:

    adb shell chmod 777 /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf

  37. 新建文件夹:

    adb shell mkdir path/foldelname

  38. 查看文件内容:

    adb shell cat

  39. 查看wifi密码:

    adb shell cat /data/misc/wifi/*.conf

  40. 清除log缓存:

    adb logcat -c

  41. 查看bug报告:

    adb bugreport

  42. 获取设备名称:

    adb shell cat /system/build.prop

  43. 查看ADB帮助:

    adb help

  44. 跑monkey:

    adb shell monkey -v -p 500

  45. 访问数据库SQLite3
    adb shell

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