来源 php.net 评论区

-- nucc1

worth clarifying:

POST is not more secure than GET.

The reasons for choosing GET vs POST involve various factors such as intent of the request (are you "submitting" information?), the size of the request (there are limits to how long a URL can be, and GET parameters are sent in the URL), and how easily you want the Action to be shareable -- Example, Google Searches are GET because it makes it easy to copy and share the search query with someone else simply by sharing the URL.

Security is only a consideration here due to the fact that a GET is easier to share than a POST. Example: you don't want a password to be sent by GET, because the user might share the resulting URL and inadvertently expose their password.

However, a GET and a POST are equally easy to intercept by a well-placed malicious person if you don't deploy TLS/SSL to protect the network connection itself.

All Forms sent over HTTP (usually port 80) are insecure, and today (2017), there aren't many good reasons for a public website to not be using HTTPS (which is basically HTTP + Transport Layer Security).

As a bonus, if you use TLS  you minimise the risk of your users getting code (ADs) injected into your traffic that

--  Toasty_Pallate

It is worth noting that GET request parameters can be cached while POST request parameters are not. Meaning that if a password is GETted it is stored at various points on the way to the server (Your browser and anyone it's sharing info with, the people manning the firewall at the Org that is receiving the GET, the server logs, etc.)

While it is true that HTTPS encrypts the URL and GET request parameters, nothing guarantees that there is not a Web Application Firewall (that decrypts all traffic going into the Org for inspection) and is logging user info or that one will be implemented in the future at your org. Logs in plain-text are (hopefully) a LOT easier to compromise than a database of hashed passwords.

So if you're managing sensitive information, it's best to use POST.


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