数据结构( Pyhon 语言描述 ) — —第11章:集和字典
- 使用集
- 集是没有特定顺序的项的一个集合,集中的项中唯一的
- 集上可以执行的操作
- 返回集中项的数目
- 测试集是否为空
- 向集中添加一项
- 从集中删除一项
- 测试给定的项是否在集中
- 获取两个集的并集
- 获取两个集的交集
- 获取两个集的差集
- 判断一个集是否是另一个集的子集
- 集上的差集和子集操作是不对称的
- Python 中的 set 类
- set 类中常用的方法
- 使用示例
.5 时,即重新哈希表。这样会将 DELETED 状态的单元格全部变为当前占用的单元格或者空单元格
- 如果表有一些方法记录了访问给定项的频率,即可以按照这个频率递减的顺序来插入项。从而将较为频繁访问的项放置的更加接近于主索引
- 聚簇
- 当导致冲突的项重复放置到数组的相同区域(一个聚簇)中的时候,会发生这种情况
- 示例
- 聚簇通常会导致和其它重新定位的项之间的冲突,在应用的过程中,几个聚簇可能发展并联合成更大的聚簇,从而增加平均的访问时间
- 二次探测
- 避免和线性探测相关的聚簇的一种方式是,从冲突位置将对空位置的索引向前推进一定的距离
- 二次探测通过将主索引增加每一次尝试距离的平方来实现这一点
- 代码
# Set the initial key, index, and distance
key = abs(hash(item))
distance = 1
homeIndex = key % len(table)
# Stop searching when an unoccupied cell is encountered
while table[index] not in (EMPTY, DELETED):
# Increment the index and warp around to the first position if necessary.
index = (homeIndex + distance ** 2) % len(table)
distance += 1
# An empty cell is found, so store the item.
tabel[index] = item
- 二次探测的主要问题是会跳过一些单元格,从而导致空间的浪费
- 链化 -- 桶链策略
- 示意图
- 访问和删除操作执行的步骤
- 计算项在数组中的主索引
- 搜索该项在链表中的索引
- 插入项执行的步骤
- 计算项在数组中的主索引
- 如果数组单元格为空,创建一个带有该项的节点,并将该节点赋值给单元格
- 如果不为空,会产生冲突。在该位置已有的项,是链表的头部。在这个链表的头部插入新的项
- 示意代码
# Get the home index
index = abs(hash(item)) % len(table)
# Access a bucket and store the item at the head of its linked list
table[index] = Node(item, table[index])
- 复杂度分析
- 线性探测方法
- 失败搜索(所要查找的项不存在)复杂度为
- 其中 为数组的装填因子
- 二次方法
- 成功搜索的复杂度(所要查找的项存在)
- 失败搜索的复杂度
- 桶和链方法的分析
- 定位一个项
- 过程
- 计算主索引
- 当发生冲突时搜索一个链表
- 第一部分是常数时间的行为,而第二部分是线性时间的行为
- 案例学习:探查哈希策略
- 需求
- 编写一个程序,来探查不同的哈希策略
- 分析
- HashTable 中的方法
- Profiler 中的方法
- 设计
- HashTable
- insert 方法假设数组中有用于新项的空间,并且新项不会和已有的项重复
- 代码
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
File: hasetable.py
from arrays import Array
class HashTable(object):
"""Represent a hash table"""
EMPTY = None
def __init__(self, capacity=29, hashFunction=hash, liner=True):
self._table = Array(capacity, HashTable.EMPTY)
self._size = 0
self._hash = hashFunction
self._homeIndex = -1
self._actualIndex = -1
self._liner = liner
self._probeCount = 0
# Accessor method
def __len__(self):
return self._size
def loadFactor(self):
return self._size / len(self._table)
def homeIndex(self):
return self._homeIndex
def actualIndex(self):
return self._actualIndex
def probeCount(self):
return self._probeCount
# Mutator method
def insert(self, item):
"""Insert item into the table.
Precondition: There is at least one empty cell or one previously occupied cell.
There is not a duplicate item."""
self._probeCount = 0
# Get the home index
self._homeIndex = self._hash(item) % len(self._table)
distance = 1
index = self._homeIndex
# Stop searching when an empty cell in encountered
while self._table[index] not in (HashTable.EMPTY, HashTable.DELETED):
# Increment the index and wrap around to the first position if necessary.
if self._liner:
increment = index + 1
# Quadratic probing
increment = index + distance ** 2
distance += 1
index = increment % (len(self._table))
self._probeCount += 1
# An empty cell is found, so store the item
self._table[index] = item
self._size += 1
self._actualIndex = index
- Profiler
- 代码
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
File: profiler.py
from hashtable import HashTable
class Profiler(object):
"""Represent a profiler for hash table."""
def __init__(self):
self._table = None
self._collisions = 0
self._probeCount = 0
self._result = ""
def test(self, table, data):
"""Inserts the data into table and gathers statistics"""
self._table = table
self._collisions = 0
self._probeCount = 0
self._result = "Load Factor | Item Inserted | Home Index | Actual Index | Probes\n"
for item in data:
loadFactor = table.loadFactor()
homeIndex = table.homeIndex()
actualIndex = table.actualIndex()
probes = table.probeCount()
self._probeCount += probes
if probes > 0:
self._collisions += 1
self._result += "%8.3f%14d%12d%12d%14d" % (loadFactor, item, homeIndex, actualIndex, probes)\
+ "\n"
self._result += "Total collisions: " + str(self._collisions) + \
"\nTotal probes: " + str(self._probeCount) + \
"\nAverage probes per collision: " + str(self._probeCount / self._collisions)
def __str__(self):
if self._table is None:
return "No test has been run yet."
return self._result
def collisions(self):
return self._collisions
def probeCount(self):
return self._probeCount
def main():
# Create a table with 8 cells, an identity hash function and liner probing.
table = HashTable(8, lambda x: x)
data = list(range(10, 71, 10))
profiler = Profiler()
profiler.test(table, data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- 输出示例
Load Factor | Item Inserted | Home Index | Actual Index | Probes
0.000 10 2 2 0
0.125 20 4 4 0
0.250 30 6 6 0
0.375 40 0 0 0
0.500 50 2 3 1
0.625 60 4 5 1
0.750 70 6 7 1
Total collisions: 3
Total probes: 3
Average probes per collision: 1.0
- 集的哈希实现
- 采用桶/链策略来处理冲突
- __contains__方法可以将一些实例变量的值设置为可以在插入、访问和删除过程中使用的信息
- 代码实现
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
from node import Node
from arrays import Array
from abstractset import AbstractSet
from abstractcollection import AbstractCollection
class HashSet(AbstractCollection, AbstractSet):
"""A hashing implementation of a set."""
def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None, capacity=None):
if capacity is None:
self._capacity = HashSet.DEFAULT_CAPACITY
self._capacity = capacity
self._items = Array(self._capacity)
self._foundNode = self._priorNode = None
self._index = -1
AbstractCollection.__init__(self, sourceCollection)
# Accessor method
def __contains__(self, item):
"""Return True if item is in the set or False otherwise."""
self._index = hash(item) % len(self._items)
self._priorNode = None
self._foundNode = self._items[self._index]
while self._foundNode is not None:
if self._foundNode.data == item:
return True
self._priorNode = self._foundNode
self._foundNode = self._foundNode.next
return False
def __iter__(self):
"""Supports iteration over a view of self."""
for item in self._items:
while item is not None:
yield item.data
item = item.next
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of self"""
return "{" + ", ".join(map(str, self)) + "}"
# Mutator methods
def clear(self):
"""Makes self becomes empty."""
self._size = 0
self._items = Array(HashSet.DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
def add(self, item):
"""Adds item to the set if if is not in the set."""
if item not in self:
newNode = Node(item, self._items[self._index])
self._items[self._index] = newNode
self._size += 1
def remove(self, item):
"""Precondition: item is in self.
Raise: KeyError if item is not in self.
return the removed item if item is in self"""
if item not in self:
raise KeyError("Missing: " + str(item))
if self._priorNode is None:
self._items[self._index] = self._foundNode.next
self._priorNode.next = self._foundNode.next
self._size -= 1
return self._foundNode.data
- 字典的哈希实现
- 采用桶/链策略来处理冲突
- __contains__方法同样将一些实例变量的值设置为可以在插入、访问和删除过程中使用的信息
- 代码实现
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
File: hashdict.py
from abstractdict import AbstractDict, Item
from node import Node
from arrays import Array
class HashDict(AbstractDict):
"""Represents a hash-based dictionary"""
def __init__(self, sourceDictionary=None):
"""Will copy items to collection from sourceDictionary if it's present."""
self._array = Array(HashDict.DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
self._foundNode = self._priorNode = None
self._index = -1
AbstractDict.__init__(self, sourceDictionary)
# Accessor method
def __contains__(self, key):
"""Return True if item is in self, or False otherwise."""
self._index = hash(key) % len(self._array)
self._priorNode = None
self._foundNode = self._array[self._index]
while self._foundNode is not None:
if self._foundNode.data.key == key:
return True
self._priorNode = self._foundNode
self._foundNode = self._foundNode.next
return False
def __iter__(self):
"""Serves up the key in the dictionary."""
for item in self._array:
while item is not None:
yield item.data.key
item = item.next
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Precondition: the key is in the dictionary
Raise KeyError if the key is not in the dictionary
Return the value associated with the key.
if key not in self:
raise KeyError("Missing: " + str(key))
return self._foundNode.data.value
# Mutator method
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""If the key is not in the dictionary, adds the key and value to it,
otherwise, replace the old value with the new one."""
if key in self:
self._foundNode.data.value = value
newNode = Node(Item(key, value), self._array[self._index])
self._array[self._index] = newNode
self._size += 1
def pop(self, key):
"""Precondition: the key is in the dictionary.
Raise: KeyError if the key is not in the dictionary.
Remove the key and return the associated value if the key is in the dictionary."""
if key not in self:
raise KeyError("Missing: " + str(key))
if self._priorNode is None:
self._array[self._index] = self._foundNode.next
self._priorNode.next = self._foundNode.next
self._size -= 1
return self._foundNode.data.value
- 有序的集和字典
- 集中的项和字典中的键必须是可比较的,才可能创建有序的集。有序的集必须要放弃哈希策略
- 可以用二叉搜索树来实现有序的集和字典
- 有序的集
- 代码
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
File: treesortedset.py
from linkedbst import LinkedBST
from abstractcollection import AbstractCollection
from abstractset import AbstractSet
class TreeSortedSet(AbstractCollection, AbstractSet):
"""A tree-based implementation of a sorted set."""
def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None):
self._items = LinkedBST()
AbstractCollection.__init__(self, sourceCollection)
def __contains__(self, item):
"""Return True if item is in the set or False otherwise."""
return item in self._items
def __iter__(self):
"""Supports iteration over a view of self."""
return self._items.inorder()
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of self"""
return "{" + ", ".join(map(str, self)) + "}"
# Mutator method
def add(self, item):
"""Adds item to the set if if is not in the set."""
if item not in self:
self._size += 1
def clear(self):
"""Makes self becomes empty."""
self._size = 0
self._items = LinkedBST()
def remove(self, item):
"""Precondition: item is in self.
Raise: KeyError if item is not in self.
return the removed item if item is in self"""
if item not in self:
raise KeyError("Missing: " + str(item))
self._size -= 1
- 有序的字典
- 代码
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Author:Lijunjie
File: treesorteddict.py
from linkedbst import LinkedBST
from abstractdict import AbstractDict, Item
class TreeSortedDict(AbstractDict):
"""A tree-based implementation of a sorted dictionary."""
def __init__(self, sourceCollection=None):
"""Will copy items to collection from sourceCollection if it's present."""
self._items = LinkedBST()
self._foundItem = None
AbstractDict.__init__(self, sourceCollection)
# Accessor
def __iter__(self):
"""Serves up the key in the dictionary."""
for item in self._items.inorder():
yield item.key
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Precondition: the key is in the dictionary
Raise KeyError if the key is not in the dictionary
Return the value associated with the key.
if key not in self:
raise KeyError("Missing: " + str(key))
return self._foundItem.value
def __contains__(self, key):
"""Set the self._index to the target position if key is in self."""
newItem = Item(key, None)
self._foundItem = self._items.find(newItem)
if self._foundItem is None:
return False
return True
# Mutator
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""If the key is not in the dictionary, adds the key and value to it,
otherwise, replace the old value with the new one."""
if key not in self:
self._items.add(Item(key, value))
self._size += 1
self._foundItem.value = value
def pop(self, key):
"""Precondition: the key is in the dictionary.
Raise: KeyError if the key is not in the dictionary.
Remove the key and return the associated value if the key is in the dictionary."""
if key not in self:
raise KeyError("Missing: " + str(key))
self._size -= 1
removedItem = self._items.remove(Item(key, None))
return removedItem.value
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