Updated: April 17, 2012

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8

Fix domain name dependencies in Group Policy Objects and Group Policy links after a domain rename operation. For examples of how this command can be used, see Examples.


Gpfixup [/v]
[/olddns:<OLDDNSNAME> /newdns:<NEWDNSNAME>]
[/dc:<DCNAME>] [/sionly]
[/user:<USERNAME> [/pwd:{<PASSWORD>|*}]] [/?]






Displays detailed status messages.

If this parameter is not used, only error messages or a summary status message of SUCCESS or FAILURE appears.


Specifies the old DNS name of the renamed domain as <OLDDNSNAME> when the domain rename operation changes the DNS name of a domain. You can use this parameter only if you also use the /newdns parameter to specify a new domain DNS name.


Specifies the new DNS name of the renamed domain as <NEWDNSNAME> when the domain rename operation changes the DNS name of a domain. You can use this parameter only if you also use the /olddns parameter to specify the old domain DNS name.


Specifies the old NetBIOS name of the renamed domain as <OLDFLATNAME> when the domain rename operation changes the NetBIOS name of a domain. You can use this parameter only if you use the /newnb parameter to specify a new domain NetBIOS name.


Specifies the new NetBIOS name of the renamed domain as <NEWFLATNAME> when the domain rename operation changes the NetBIOS name of a domain. You can use this parameter only if you use the /oldnb parameter to specify the old domain NetBIOS name.


Connect to the domain controller named <DCNAME> (a DNS name or a NetBIOS name). <DCNAME> must host a writable replica of the domain directory partition as indicated by one of the following:

  • The DNS name <NEWDNSNAME> by using /newdns

  • The NetBIOS name <NEWFLATNAME> by using /newnb

If this parameter is not used, connect to any domain controller in the renamed domain indicated by <NEWDNSNAME> or<NEWFLATNAME>.


Performs only the Group Policy fix that relates to managed software installation (the Software Installation extension for Group Policy). Skip the actions that fix Group Policy links and the SYSVOL paths in GPOs.


Runs this command in the security context of the user <USERNAME>, where <USERNAME> is in the format domain\user.

If this parameter is not used, runs this command as the logged in user.


Specifies the password for the other security context indicated by using /user. If * is specified instead of a password, you are prompted for a password.


Displays Help at the command prompt.


  • The gpfixup command is available in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008, except on Server Core installations.

  • Although the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) is distributed with Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008, you must install Group Policy Management as a feature through Server Manager.


This example assumes that you have already performed a domain rename operation in which you changed the DNS name from MyOldDnsName toMyNewDnsName, and the NetBIOS name from MyOldNetBIOSName to MyNewNetBIOSName. In this example, you use the gpfixup command to connect to the domain controller named MyDcDnsName and repair GPOs and Group Policy links by updating the old domain name embedded in the GPOs and links. Status and error output is saved to a file that is named gpfixup.log.

gpfixup /olddns: MyOldDnsName /newdns:MyNewDnsName /oldnb:MyOldNetBIOSName /newnb:MyNewNetBIOSName /dc:MyDcDnsName 2>&1 >gpfixup.log

This example is the same as the previous one, except that it assumes the NetBIOS name of the domain was not changed during the domain rename operation.

gpfixup /olddns: MyOldDnsName /newdns:MyNewDnsName /dc:MyDcDnsName 2>&1 >gpfixup.log


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