
Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.

Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete at most two transactions.

You may not engage in multiple transactions at the same time (ie, you must sell the stock before you buy again).

代码:Runtime: 175 ms

 class Solution:
# @param prices, a list of integer
# @return an integer
def maxProfit_with_k_transactions(self, prices, k):
days = len(prices)
local_max = [[0 for i in range(k+1)] for i in range(days)]
global_max = [[0 for i in range(k+1)] for i in range(days)]
for i in range(1,days):
diff = prices[i] - prices[i-1]
for j in range(1,k+1):
local_max[i][j] = max(local_max[i-1][j]+diff, global_max[i-1][j-1]+max(diff,0))
global_max[i][j] = max(local_max[i][j], global_max[i-1][j])
return global_max[days-1][k] def maxProfit(self, prices):
if prices is None or len(prices)<2:
return 0
return self.maxProfit_with_k_transactions(prices, 2)




1. 这类题目,终极思路一定是往动态规划上靠,我自己概括为“全局最优 = 当前元素之前的所有元素里面的最优 or 包含当前元素的最优”

2. 这道题的动归的难点在于,只靠一个迭代公式无法完成寻优。


global_max[i][j] = max( global_max[i-1][j], local_max[i][j])

上述的迭代公式思路很清楚:“到第i个元素的全局最优 = 不包含第i个元素的全局最优 or 包含当前元素的局部最优”




local_max[i][j] = max(local_max[i-1][j]+diff, global_max[i-1][j-1]+max(diff,0))

上面的递推公式 把local_max当成寻优目标了,思路还是fellow经典动态规划思路。



时隔几天再想想,求解local_max[i][j]的过程其实并不能算传统动态规划的思路,之前的思路有些偏差。原因是local_max本身就不是一个“全局”最优,因为计算local[i][j]的时候就已经把最近的一个元素算进去了。local_max[i][j] = max(local_max[i-1][j]+diff, global_max[i-1][j-1]+max(diff,0))这个公式的得来,也真心是原作者巧妙分析的结果,一下就解决了求解N次交易最优的问题。只能膜拜并记住这部分代码。

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