Portable Executable File Format

PE Format  微软官方的

What is a .PE file in the .NET framework? [closed]

The PE file you are talking about is the "Portable Executable" format. Almost every EXE and DLL on the Windows platform is formatted in PE format. To answer your question, it's a general format and every assembly generated after compilation of your project will be a PE file. You will have a PE file for every .NET project you compile. You can read more about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Executable

And no, not every class in a project results in a new DLL. Every project in a solution will result in a new DLL or Executable.

A .NET assembly viewer

For PE/.NET file format information, I would suggest reading sections 21-24 of ECMA-335 Partition II, available all over the web. Inside Microsoft .NET IL Assembler is also a good book, despite the occasional inaccuracy.

If you want to go further and understand the actual CIL instructions in your assembly, Compiling for the .NET Common Language Runtime is an excellent book.

If you want to examine your binary files in comfort, may I humbly plug my own AXE program.


Anatomy of a .NET Assembly  red-gate上的博客

Anatomy of a .NET Assembly – PE Headers

Anatomy of a .NET Assembly – CLR metadata 1

Anatomy of a .NET Assembly – CLR metadata 2


Anatomy of a .NET Assembly site:https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk

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