News Master

Good evening everyone,I’m Jason,I’m glad to be news master to share something, Tonight I will talk a famous movie at present,superman:man of steel[stiːl].

Superman is first super hero in human history.Superman story is well-know to us,he came from a far star named krypton['krɪptɒn],he has many super powers, such flight,strong,light speed,he defended the earth and fight against the force of evil.

But he is not alone one in combat,we still have other famous super heroes,such as Iron Man,Hulk[hʌlk],green giant,captain American,batman,.and so on.we all know these super heroes.but I think few people know  the relationship of them.and last year when the movie Avengers was released, someone ask why superman don’t attend this fight。So I will introduce who create these super heroes, where these super heroes come from,and whether they could be together。

Mentioned these super heroes,we have to introduce two most important cartoon companies in united states ,one is CD,another is Marvel['mɑːv(ə)], their sum market share is more than 80%,most of super heroes come from these two companies.

DC company it was created in 1935,it created famous super heroes,includes superman,batman,Green Arrow,Green Lantern['læntən], all these heros make up the Justice League[liːg]

Batman is my favorite one,because he is really lonely common man to fight the wholema force of evil and in Dark,I feel he is tragic['trædʒɪk] hero.

Marvel company  was created in 1939,his chinese name is 漫威, ,since it was created, it  also created many super heroes ,such as captain American,Hulk green giant, black widow ,hawkeye['hɔ:kai], Thor,,spider Man, Iron Man,,X-Man,these heros build up the avengers;[ə'vɛndʒɚs]

So superman and batman would not attend the avengers,because it is not belong to Marvel

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