

  1. HTTP 协议 未规定 GET 和POST的长度限制
  2. GET的最大长度显示是因为 浏览器和 web服务器限制了 URI的长度
  3. 不同的浏览器和WEB服务器,限制的最大长度不一样
  4. 要支持IE,则最大长度为2083byte,若只支持Chrome,则最大长度 8182byte


大家都知道http 中 存在 GET 和 POST 这两种最常用的请求方式。(PUT,DELETE不在本文讨论范围之内)

误解:HTTP 协议下的 Get 请求参数长度是有大小限制的,最大不能超过XX,而 Post 是无限制的。

1、首先即使有长度限制,也是限制的是整个 URI 长度,而不仅仅是你的参数值数据长度。

2、HTTP 协议从未规定 GET/POST 的请求长度限制是多少。

*以下内容摘自 《关于 HTTP GET/POST 请求参数长度最大值的一个理解误区》, 文章时间为 2013年的。可能以当前最新的浏览器有出入 *

The HTTP protocol does not place any a priori limit on the length of a URI. Servers MUST be able to handle the URI of any resource they serve, and SHOULD be able to handle URIs of unbounded length if they provide GET-based forms that could generate such URIs. A server SHOULD return 414 (Request-URI Too Long) status if a URI is longer than the server can handle (see section 10.4.15).
Note: Servers ought to be cautious about depending on URI lengths above 255 bytes, because some older client or proxy implementations might not properly support these lengths.

3、所谓的请求长度限制是由浏览器和 web 服务器决定和设置的,各种浏览器和 web 服务器的设定
均不一样,这依赖于各个浏览器厂家的规定或者可以根据 web 服务器的处理能力来设定。

The limit is in MSIE and Safari about 2KB, in Opera about 4KB and in Firefox about 8KB, (255 bytes if we count very old browsers) . We may thus assume that 8KB is the maximum possible length and that 2KB is a more affordable length to rely on at the server side and that 255 bytes is the safest length to assume that the entire URL will come in.
If the limit is exceeded in either the browser or the server, most will just truncate the characters outside the limit without any warning. Some servers however may send a HTTP 414 error. If you need to send large data, then better use POST instead of GET. Its limit is much higher, but more dependent on the server used than the client. Usually up to around 2GB is allowed by the average webserver. This is also configureable somewhere in the server settings. The average server will display a server-specific error/exception when the POST limit is exceeded, usually as HTTP 500 error.

IE 和 Safari 浏览器 限制 2k
Opera 限制4k
Firefox 限制 8k(非常老的版本 256byte)


HTTP 1.1 defines Status Code 414 Request-URI Too Long for the cases where a server-defined limit is reached. You can see further details on RFC 2616. For the case of client-defined limits, there is no sense on the server returning something, because the server won't receive the request at all.

详细可以看 RFC2616

The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret. This rare condition is only likely to occur when a client has improperly converted a POST request to a GET request with long query information, when the client has descended into a URI "black hole" of redirection (e.g., a redirected URI prefix that points to a suffix of itself), or when the server is under attack by a client attempting to exploit security holes present in some servers using fixed-length buffers for reading or manipulating the Request-URI.


** 以下内容摘自《GET请求中URL的最大长度限制总结》, 文章内容是 2016年9月,相对比较符合当前的最新现状。 **




IE浏览器(Microsoft Internet Explorer) 对url长度限制是2083(2K+53),超过这个限制,则自动截断(若是form提交则提交按钮不起作用)。


firefox(火狐浏览器)的url长度限制为 65 536字符,但实际上有效的URL最大长度不少于100,000个字符。




Safari的url长度限制至少为 80 000 字符。


Opera 浏览器的url长度限制为190 000 字符。Opera 9 地址栏中输入190 000字符时依然能正常编辑。



Apache能接受url长度限制为8 192 字符


Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS)能接受url长度限制为16 384个字符。
configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryStringsetting.<requestLimits maxQueryString="length"/>

3、Perl HTTP::Daemon

Perl HTTP::Daemon 至少可以接受url长度限制为8000字符。Perl HTTP::Daemon中限制HTTP request headers的总长度不超过16 384字节(不包括post,file uploads等)。但当url超过8000字符时会返回413错误。



client_header_buffer_size 默认值:client_header_buffer_size 1k

large_client_header_buffers默认值 :large_client_header_buffers 4 4k/8k



    1. GET请求中URL的最大长度限制总结
    2. 关于 HTTP GET/POST 请求参数长度最大值的一个理解误区

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