(C++Assertion failed: !"Bad error code", file VMem.c, line 715

Misc error.


Full error message

Assertion failed: !"Bad error code", file VMem.c, line 715


IDE: C++ Builder 6.0

Project type: VCL

Appears when linking the following code:

#define ARRAY_SIZE 10000000

int main()
  int array[ARRAY_SIZE];


When this error occurs, restart C++ Builder and nothing has been lost. Do change the code as in one of the examples below.

Decrease the value of the array size

#define ARRAY_SIZE 1000000

int main()
  int array[ARRAY_SIZE];

Create the array dynamically

#define ARRAY_SIZE 10000000

int main()
  int * const array = new int(ARRAY_SIZE);

Use a std::vector (preferred)

#include <vector>

int main()
  const int sz = 10000000;
  std::vector<int> v(sz);

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